Fire Damages Wisconsin Institute For Torah

Milwaukee – A small electrical fire damaged the Wisconsin Institute of Torah in Milwaukee.

Fire crews were called to the Jewish Orthodox school at 3288 Lake Drive just after 6 p.m. Thursday.

One-hundred students were inside at the time. Fire investigators say all of the students made it out of the building safely.

The fire started on the third floor of a dorm.

A school official told 12 News there is no structural damage to the building but there is some water damage.

The high school students have finals tomorrow, and they will finish the semester on Sunday.

(Source: WISN 12)

4 Responses

  1. “A school official told 12 News there is no structural damage to the building but there is some water damage” Isn’t there such thing as water doing structural damage?!?

  2. 1) The yeshiva is called Wisconsin Institute for Torah Study (WITS).
    2)The building is old enough and was built with stones, that the water damage is superficial (carpets), but the basic structure of the building is good – WITS is still up and running. The bochurim will be there over Shabbos, summer z’man will go as planned.

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