Sephardi Parents Call on the Court to Release Ashkenazi Parents

Perhaps it took the High Court of Justice to bring the parents to the realization that disputes are meant to be addressed internally, with the assistance of Rabbonim, but today, erev Shabbos, the Sephardi community of Emanuel is realizing what is taking place and Yoav Lalum, who led the fight against ‘discrimination’ in the Emanuel Beis Yaakov is calling on the High Court of Justice to release the Emanuel parents.

Truth be said, Lalum was compelled my sincere motives, seeking to bring an end to an unacceptable policy, but today, seeing the parents imprisoned on an erev shabbos has enabled him to see a bigger picture, one that send a message of just how important the chinuch of the children is, one that is a far cry from discrimination, but clings to the words of Gedolei Yisrael Shlita.

Attorneys for Lalum’s Noar K’halacha organization, Yeshayahu Avraham and Noam Cohen sent the court a letter, seeking the release of the parents before shabbos, visibly pained by the fact that these families will spend shabbos away from their children, homes and shuls, in the name of adhering to their rebbe, the Slonimer Rebbe Shlita.

Slonimer officials however interpret the move as “another media spin” Kikar Shabbat reports, and they are not moved by the publicly announced move.

Baruch Hashem Slonimer officials are pleased with the prison conditions for the parents, realizing the system is not trying to punish them, but respects their determination to adhere to their way of life, accommodating them in jail as much as possible.

The fathers have been given gemoras and other seforim, and they are being provided with Badatz Eida Chareidis food to meet their demands.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. this whole situation is pathetic and could have been avoided very easily..
    without the chilul hashem and without anyone going to jail…

  2. Dear Ramat Shilo:

    PLease retract you radicall words referring to a mssaive Kiddush Hashem attended by all gedolim {including harav elyashiv shlit”a} how DARE YOU call this a CHILUL HASHEM!!!!!
    And if you are not ref. to the march which clearly was a Kidush hashem then what exactly are you ref. to????

  3. no one commented on this beautiful example of ahavas yisrael.
    what an amazing move on the part of the sphardishe parents!!

  4. Perhaps BOTH SIDES could have solved this problem internally with give and take. To be machmir l’shem hashem is a difficult concept, there is discrimination in many schools in Yerushayalim, Eldad, and other areas, and this problem will not just blow away.

  5. I looked up the plaintiffs, and they do NOT seem like the sort of people who would want to send their kids to a non-zionist hareidi school – suggesting the case was something political to begin with and NEVER was a discrimination issue.

  6. #1 – There appears to be a mistake im your comment. You wrote that this rally to support our right to educate our children in the best environment possible, which was attended by most of the Gedolim of Eretz Yisroel, a “chilul hashem” instead of “Kiddush Hashem”.

  7. reading everyones comments and newsreports on Arutzsheva I still do not know what the “real” issues are.

    Can someone please explain the FACTS,but please, No Loshon Hora.
    Thank you

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