High Court Accepts Delay for Imprisonment of 22 Emanuel Moms

Twenty-two of the Emanuel mothers did not report to police custody on Thursday night as required, seemingly unable to leave their children. They headed home, unable to bear the reality of not seeking their loved ones for two weeks.

A special hearing of the High Court of Justice was held on Friday, and a number of possibilities were discussed, including waving the prison term, permitting them to enter prison after the fathers are done with their two weeks, and delaying the mother’s requirement to report to police custody until after shabbos. Justice Edmond Levy announced the latter, instructing the 22 mothers to turn themselves in on Sunday, June 20th. Two fathers also failed to appear, and only 33 of the men were placed in custody on Thursday night instead of the 35 appearing on the court’s list.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Instead of writing that two fathers didn’t report you could have “dan lekaf z’chuz” that they must have had a good reason: One of them went with his wife to the hospital & that night they had a baby! Mazel Tov!
    So please don’t write is as if to imply that they wanted to be sneaky and not show up!

  2. you loko

    as if, not showing up to a prison term forced unto them by the lowest of the low the “low court of Israel” is sneaky if its anything it’s a good frask for that “tumene” levi who calls himself a judge

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