Shas between a Rock and a Hard Place

As Chinuch Atzmai and Yoav Lalum duke it out in the High Court of Justice, perhaps one realized that Shas remains conspicuously quiet, finding itself between a rock and a hard place.

On the one hand, the situation in Emanuel leaves the Sephardi girls in an unwanted situation, but Maran R’ Ovadia Yosef Shlita is not seeking to go head-to-head with Chinuch Atzmai and is rabbinical leaders. Complicating matters a bit more is the fact that Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, a son of R’ Ovadia, is involved, and he the court-appointed arbitrator to reach the difficult decisions in the case, albeit failing in his mission.

On Tuesday, following the High Court of Justice’s decision to order the defiant parents to prison for two weeks, Shas leader Eli Yishai refused to comment, opting to remain silent, with Shas not really releasing a policy decision regarding the entire matter.

Some feel the situation is embarrassing since children of some of the Shas leaders attend Ashkenazi schools, as do some of the grandchildren of Maran R’ Ovadia.

What is certain is that Shas is seeking to remain in the background, preferring to avoid direct involvement in the conflict, which will most likely escalate on Thursday during the prison march, when rabbonim will be escorting the Emanuel parents to prison.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. THE problem is NOT Ashkenaz vs. Sefard in THIS case (thought sometimes there IS anti-Sefard prejudice). For example, there are plenty of Sefardim learning in Lakewood. There are (frum) Sefardim in Chaim Berlin. The problem is a frum Sefardi school (like Ateret Torah) would not accept a non-frum ashkenazi (or even Sefardi)kid, and a school like Chaim Berlin would not accept a non-frum sefardi (or even ashkenazi)kid.
    The parents of this chareidi Ashkenazi scool in Israel do not want their kids in school with less frum or non-frum Sefardim. This is perfectly sensible. They would not accept non-frum Ashkenazim in the school either.

  2. #1

    you’re comparing apples to oranges (lakewood and chaim berlin are in america where there isn’t anti sfardi/ashkanazi sentiment as opposed to Israel where there is)

    these kids are frum and are dressing according to sfardi halacha which chassidim don’t hold of


    If there were enough money, there could be two separate schools to cater to the two separate religious standards.

    Since there are no funds for this, the Sephardi kids should yield to the chumras of the Ashkenazi parents, in order to avoid machlokes.

    In any event, the Government should not be compelling anyone to set aside his religious standards.

  4. deepthinker

    If there were enough money, there could be two separate schools to cater to the two separate religious standards.

    Since there are no funds for this, the Ashkenazi parents should yield to the chumras of the Sephardi kids , in order to avoid machlokes.
    in order to avoid machlokes you learn to work together just like the bais yakov of boro park which has a very diversified parent and student body

  5. Halacha is halacha. Frum sefardim don’t dress less tzenius than Ashkenazim. They also don’t have TV’s, internet, etc. They also don’t have mixed weddings, etc. Don’t confuse the facts here.

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