Achdus Among Rabbonim & Leaders for Emanuel Parents

With the threat of jail time hanging over many fathers in connection to the Emanuel Beis Yaakov case, the response to the High Court’s ruling is one of outrage and disbelief.

Prominent Slonimer chossid Rabbi Avraham Luria released the following statement. “The High Court reached a scandalous decision. The High Court of Justice today declared war against one’s right to privacy and the chareidi community”.

The chassidus does not plan to adhere to the court’s ruling, releasing a statement shortly after the court released its decision on Tuesday afternoon. “We will go to prison en masse. We will never compromise the cherished chinuch of our children”.

According to reports, the Slonimer Chassidus is planning a major rally on Thursday, at the conclusion of which the entire tzibur will march along with the parents to prison, escorted by the gedolim of the chassidus, first and foremost the Rebbe Shlita.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

17 Responses

  1. Its really remarkable that the same people that are up in arms with the Israeli Supreme Court, but were praising Justice Levy for writing his dissenting view where he advocated against giving kollel families money to sit and learn in kollel, now say that Justice Levy with regard to schooling in Emanual is illegitimate and the Torah says they don’t have to listen to him or the Court.

    It just shows you, how ridiculous all of this is.

  2. its amazing to see the truth (emes) prevail at the end of days that we are in now, Moshiachs times. Many Gedolim Rabonim have asked us not to take funding from the state of Israel because they will eventually seek to gain control of our Chinuch, and now we see it happening in from of our eyes.

    I personal suggest to the Slonimer Chasidim to stop taking the funding from the state of Israel and turn to Hashem and ask him for funding instead.

    This will be a great Kiddush Hashem, and help wake up the rest of the Mosdos to realize how low we have fallen for government money.

  3. A problem with what you propose Chessed (#2) is that it is too late; Forty or fifty years ago maybe, but not today. Today the Chareidim’s very survival (gashmiusdik) depends first and formost upon State subsidies . . . a legacy of the “great status-quo agreement” gone amuk.

    In last week’s Jerusalem Report there was a story about skill sets required for the workforce, and a government report that advocates for increased training for Chareidim . . . the report compared Israeli training generally with first and third world norms . . . and relevant here, determined that Chareidim as a whole receive substantially less work-force related training than do populations in third world countries.

    Not self-hating liberal secular nonsense – but a very sobering statistic that needs to be addressed on the merits.

  4. to # 3

    U Must agree that if all Mosdos in Eretz Yisroel will discontinue excepting government funding it will make a clear statement, probably a big enough Kiddush Hashem powerful enough to see the light shine up on us from heaven with Hashems blessings, bring a real change to the Chradim in EY.

  5. I love how all this started because they didnt want to mix with sphardim….comes to show you there is tzedek in the world

  6. What a nerve and chutzpah from the Israeli Communist high court. Why don’t THEY allow any Sephardic judges in the high court????

  7. No.1 James , that’s very good – however you are basing this on the assumption that this “Justice” , is deciding purely on righteous grounds , and not something other .
    Re the comments on Sphardim , please check your facts before saying such things . By the way Rav Lefkovitch of Ponevich reminded all about the Spharadi/Ashkenazi makeup of the Bagatz . You can check that too at the same time .

  8. Yehuda Laufer, a Jerusalem resident who grandchildren attend the Emanuel Beis Yaakov, said it well:

    “It is good that the High Court showed its true face, the number one enemy of religious and Torah life in the State of Israel… The court is the neighborhood bully. No one elected it or selected it. It is not a democratic body. At the end of the day, it is a leftist entity that continues to battle Torah and halacha life and it is good that we now all know exactly who we are dealing with.”

  9. Wow! there’s just way too much noise on this front. If we are going to head towards achdus, we really need to find out why the parents; both the Sephardi and Ashkenazi and the court can’t work this out.

  10. If the Slonimer rebbe is thrown into jail than a half million chareidim should come out in protest at the supreme court. This should be done the day the ships from Iran arrive because the secular anti jewish israeli government wont have enough police to protect the supreme court building. Thats how the big toeva parade was cancalled due to lebanon war and gush katif evacuation. Without police they cant protect the supreme court as most of the police will be needed to fight the iranian ships.

  11. # charvona
    how can you be so disgusting selfish.
    it`s not about sephardim anymore and actually never was.
    how can a jid who calls himself chareidi go to the secular, “goishe” court and beeing “moser” his own brothers.
    it was never about sephardim not beeing accepted in “ashkenesi” mosdod, but the fact to give a pure modest and torah- dicke chinuch and therefore trying to keep out people who would not accept or even ignore such a chinuch.
    those people where trying to protect there children from bad influence and inmodesty.
    this person who went to court, even with a psak from a raw, did a terrible sin and is coursing a lot of “zorres” to other jidden, no mater if they are ashkenesim, sephardim, temanim or anyone else.
    this person started to course a terrible outcome against all of us, no difference to which group we belong to and no difference where we live.
    open your eyes and get facts clear and don`t try to be naiv and brabble some achdus slogans.
    what would you do to protect your children from bad influence, from low-class people they don`t follow any rules of daas torah, exept for going to the high court.
    i feel sorry for you, that your only concern is about your own feeling of inferiority. but that`s what it`s not about but the fact that someone is trying to destroy our “jiddishe” roots and system of chinuch.
    someone who goes to his enemys in order to get rightousnes for his own interests is a “kofer” and a real bad person.
    think a bit and anyone else who things that this is right what happens now.
    may hashem take away from us this terrible gezeirah.

  12. #12 – Why would the Hilonim be so concerned about fighting the terrorists. WE are the enemy who pose a realistic “existential” threat to their way of life.

  13. the main problem is that everybody here is full of hot air. nobody knows the problem and everybody is just passing gas out loud.

    the issue here is that the sfardim that wanted to come to this yeshiva didn’t want to dress to slonimer standards. as was always the goal of the israeli govt was drop the torahs values as we saw with the yemen kids that were kidnapped, the kastner saga etc.

    now the court wants to force the chasidic kids to school with kids not dressed to their standards.

    haman fell in the end, same goes with amalek etc. problem is the judges consider themselves invincible. kein yoveda ovecha hashem.

  14. if they don’t like the fact that the gov could get involved they shouldn’t be taking their money for anything either. The golden rule, the one who has the gold makes the rules,

  15. Correct me if I am wrong, but shouldn’t it be up to Israel who can go to what school and wear what they want if they are the very ones funding that very school?

    Don’t agree with their decisions? So be it. But stop taking Israeli money and being leaches off of Israeli society using religion as an excuse and do something about it. Fund your own schools. Fund your own municipalities. Fund your own police officers. Charedim gripe about every little thing this country does. Same should go for charedim who refuse to recognize the government of the country they reside in.

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