Are Shabbos Protests Returning to Bar Ilan Street?

There has been a noticeable increase in vehicular traffic on Jerusalem’s Bar Ilan Street over recent weeks, which according to reports has prompted officials of the Vaad L’maan Shabbos to begin behind the scenes efforts to renew pro-shabbos protests in the area.

In this case, the frum residents who find the vehicular traffic objectionable are supported by a High Court of Justice ruling from years ago, which prohibits vehicles from traveling during times that tefilos are taking place. This has been adhered to for the most part since the ruling about a decade ago, but of late, the presence of vehicles is becoming increasingly commonplace.

Vaad L’maan Shabbos officials are reportedly meeting with chareidi lawmakers, calling upon them to act aware they enjoy the support of the court’s ruling. Last shabbos, a small group of several tens of people held a peaceful protest against the vehicular traffic, and some feel this may snowball in the shabbos protests on Bar Ilan that were a far cry from peaceful if authorities do not act immediately to enforce the court ruling which has become the status quo in the area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I am not quite sure if this report is unbias news or a Kol Koreh to come out and protest. In either case, as a frum Jew, I see absolutely no benefit to any Chareidi demonstrations. It rarely produces any positive results, causes real hatred of the Chareidi population, and almost always ends up with violence that the Chareidi leadership blames on “a small misguided group” To me, it looks like the summer is back, there is no air-conditioning in Meah Shearim and Geula and the boys need a little physical exercise and way to vent their frustrations, so why not let the boys out the Beis Medrash and demoonstrate.
    To the Chareidi leadership, find a more productive way get the general Jewish population to appreciate your lifestyle and needs, and gain your demands by mutual respect and Ahavas Chinam.

  2. Is it any wonder that as the secular supreme court removes welfare from religious jews but allows welfare to arabs and would never ask the arabs to join the army that Iran is now sending two ships to Gaza. At the same time as police teargas an elderly Rabbi that 4 police are gunned down by arabs who of course have more rights than religious jews.When the supreme court ruled today to seal a shul in Shomron for improper permits but would never do that to a mousqe. Now we know why Israel is being punished by G-d as they step on his loyal frum yidden,

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