Report: Electra Angered at Eida Boycott Threat

Executives of the Electra Company are reportedly angered over reports of an imminent Eida Chareidis boycott of the firm in light of renewed excavations at a Jaffa construction site. The company overseeing the work is a subsidiary of Electra.

Electra on Sunday afternoon released a message to the media, with company officials angrily insisting there is no connection with the company involved in the Jaffa excavations and the electronic company which also manufactures air conditioning units.

Corporate officials released a message to the chareidi media, insisting the shares of the Electra Company involved in the excavations have been transferred to another firm, as can be confirmed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, rejecting any legitimacy to a chareidi boycott. They feel that “elements” are misusing the Eida to launch an boycott against the firm, a boycott that lacks any justification.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. There is something very strange going on at the Eida. They keep picking fights and loosing. This is having an overall effect of giving them both an extremist image and the image of losers. Being very aware of the kind of dirty tricks the Shabak has pulled off in the past with Jews in the yeshuvim, I must wonder if something similar is happening to the Eida.

    Aryeh Zelasko
    Beit Shemesh

  2. I guess the Eida has run out of potential victims. They are probably now picking companys at random. Personally, I would go out of my way to patronize any company they boycott.

  3. #2-why would yo do that?

    Personally, I don’t fullly believe Electra’s claim. Why don’t they ask the Eida for a meeting to explain their position more clearly?

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