Report: Obama Admin To Support Anti-Israel Resolution at UN Next Week

The Weekly Standard has learned that senior Obama administration officials have been telling foreign governments that the administration intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set up an independent commission, under UN auspices, to investigate Israel’s behavior in the Gaza flotilla incident. The White House has apparently shrugged off concerns from elsewhere in the U.S. government that a) this is an extraordinary singling out of Israel, since all kinds of much worse incidents happen around the world without spurring UN investigations; b) that the investigation will be one-sided, focusing entirely on Israeli behavior and not on Turkey or on Hamas; and c) that this sets a terrible precedent for outside investigations of incidents involving U.S. troops or intelligence operatives as we conduct our own war on terror.

While UN Ambassador Susan Rice is reported to have played an important role in pushing for U.S. support of a UN investigation, the decision is, one official stressed, of course the president’s. The government of Israel has been consulting with the U.S. government on its own Israeli investigative panel, to be led by a retired supreme court justice, that would include respected international participants, including one from the U.S. But the Obama administration is reportedly saying that such a “kosher panel” is not good enough to satisfy the international community, or the Obama White House.

(Source: The Weekly Standard)

25 Responses

  1. true colors are showing.thanks for all your support of israel. weve had some good times together but its goodbye for now. make sure the door doesnt hit you on the way out. wonder what the american public would say if the idf took out the man in the white house. bittersweet.

  2. And all you liberal Obama fans out there still maintain he’s a friend of the Jews? When will you acknowledge you made a mistake? Just think of the good you could NOW if you come out of the closet.

    roll on November! If you don’t have the courage to go public, at least do Teshuva at the voting booth.

  3. to all the ortho-liberal posters who assured everyone during the election that obama would be a good president and a friend to israel, please repeat after me, “I deeply regret my complete and total misjudgment. I was utterly fooled by this incompetent and anti-Israel president. I was wrong and am sincerely sorry”

  4. Well take a look Bush odered the evacuation of Guzh Katif then came katrina, OBAMA HUSSAIN orders freezing settlements there comes BP oil spill also by water well very soon this posik will come true Amen!!

    “כי מלאה הארץ דעה את ה’ כמים לים מכסים”

  5. The clear and obvious reason of why Israel does not want this, is due to their experience after the Lebanon war. That investigation led to seriously biased and untrue “facts” that led to a conclusion that anyone involved in the war is an war-criminal. As posted here in YWN their was even attempts to arrest very high level government officials. It is unfortunate that the current administration, which undoubtedly has the REAL intelligence as to what the TRUE facts are fails to acknowledge that this is propaganda & a “how to blame Israel” investigation. How could they even dare to allow another such an investigation occur. It is better to allow those that believe what they do, to do so non-factually rather then believe that they have “facts” to support them. “eloki ntzor.. vnafshi cufer lakol thiyeh”

  6. So hows that hopey changey thingy doing for all liberal jews (meaning: liberal first, jew later – maybe) now ???

    We’ve been telling you the regime has a problem with jews. Its time to really ask for rachamay sho’mayim because the world is getting awfully scary again!

  7. it was only going to be a matter of time before the Head Idiot showed his true self. How could the lib’s not see this coming? this ______ prez has never shown any respect to Bibi or Israel.

    Some one said to me the other day that Israel needs to stop depending on the USA. Guess Hashem is now going to make it happen.

    A. Einstein said “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

  8. i pray that netanyahu and the other israeli leaders have the strength and and wisdom to stand up to obama and the rest of edom once and for all.

  9. –Foolish, foolish Yidden for thinking we could count on the goldena medina for the long term, for thinking there is ANYTHING we CAN count on other than HKB”H.
    –Foolish foolish umos ha’olam for thinking THEY can harm Am Yisrael, that THEY are in control of our destiny, for STILL not realizing that those who bless us are blessed, and those that curse us are cursed, for not realizing that when they ATTEMPT to harm US, the end result will be disaster for THEM!

  10. I think Israel should agree to a UN investigation of the flotilla incident, RIGHT AFTER Obama agrees to a UN investigation on his birth certificate!!!

  11. I think the liberal Jews have enough of a hard time with their guilty conscience. I think we should let them make tsuvah in peace and not “rub it in” too much. Since the truth ALWAYS wins, they will eventually come around themselves.

  12. #4,5 and others. Don’t you understand that most Liberals are no friends of Israel and the Jews either and that’s what got them to vote for this Muslim. They have no regret about that.

    The left, the destroyers of the world, are no better than Hussein Obama, the president they elected, who is out to destroy the world.

  13. #3 llkwd: Your comment about the idf (IDF) “taking out” – which means murdering, has v’shalom! – the POTUS is recklessly wrong. We want BHO removed LEGALLY as well as promptly. It would be to no one’s advantage to use the Obama Chicagp tactics in the USA.

  14. 3, As much as myself or anyone on the political Right despises the actions and policies of the person you are referring to, YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE!!

  15. #22 You are 100% correct in your post.
    Besides even if murder was OK in this case (and it is most certainly NOT OK), everyone would use this as an excuse to call for another holocaust anyway.

    All those who themselves would enjoy seeing Obama taken out that way, would all pretend they didn’t want that and
    “those evil Jews” “killed our president”.

    Jews have no business doin any kind of evil or participating in any underahnded activities and if they did the world would just use it anothe excuse for their antisemitism.

    Just for getting permission by the Saudis to fly over to
    Iran the antisemites are already accusing Israel of starting WW3

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