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Mazel Tov to Lt. Aaron and Tzvia Karov

The young Karov couple became an international news item during Operation Cast Lead, when the newly-married junior officer left for Gaza instead of having sheva brachos, only to become the most seriously wounded soldier in the counter-terrorism offensive.

When Aaron’s wife and parents were summoned to the hospital, they understood they were coming to say goodbye, but Hashem had other plans for the now 23-year-old Aaron, who yesterday became a father, of a baby girl.

The young couple is living in Ariel, when Aaron studies in yeshiva as he continues to surprise therapists during his daily sessions. While the young couple distanced themselves from the press, wanting to enjoy the birth of their first child in privacy, the grandfather, Rabbi Ze’ev Karov told the media he is totally overwhelmed with emotion.
Rabbi Karov acknowledged the double miracle, that Aaron survived and merited bringing a child into the world. The young dad received a special telephone call, from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who took a break from his busy day to bestow his mazel tov wishes to the young hero and his wife.

As he continues to progress in his rehabilitation, the young Aaron serves as an example of total bitachon in Hashem, exhibiting nothing but a positive exterior despite the hardships and physical pain. He is also scheduled to travel to the United States where he will undergo a series of plastic surgical procedures due to the extensive facial trauma he suffered.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Mazel Tov!! Mazel Tov!! May you have much nachas from your daughter and may you always have only simcha and nachas from your whole family.

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