iPhone Splits Jerusalem In Half

There is no doubt that the international community remains focused on pressuring Israel into making major concessions to the PA (Palestinian Authority) in the hope of filing away yet another ‘peace agreement’. Such concessions include in no small part PA demands that the eastern capital serve as the capital of the State of Palestine, demanding that Israel withdraw from portions of the city liberated from Jordanian occupation in the June 1967 Six Day War.

For those who side with the Israeli left-wing, the White House and the PA; good news, iPhone has already decided the outcome of the talks, or perhaps more correctly, Yahoo.

The iPhone, which continues to gain popularity in Israel, enjoys many features, including a weather channel, operated by Yahoo. The channel no longer lists “Jerusalem” but one must select either “East Jerusalem” or “West Jerusalem” for weather, sending a clear political statement since in the geographically tiny capital, the weather conditions are the same in Gilo (south) as in N’vei Yaakov (north).

Israel National News.com reports “On the Yahoo! weather page, which is linked to The Weather Channel, one is offered two Middle East options when requesting weather information for Jerusalem – Jerusalem, Yerushalayim (IL), Jerusalem, and Palestinian Occupied Territories > West Bank, Jerusalem (PS)”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. OMG, relax… the weather can be different from one side of Jerusalem to the other…. its not a political statement!

  2. Lol the whole Jerusalem is how big? Lol can there also be a diferance of weather from one side of borough park to the other. I think #2 you haven’t seen Yerushalayim in a while, it may do you some good to go fly there for a while!

  3. Next they will split the rest of eretz ysrael in half. At the end the world will be split for the sins of the I phone

  4. I think all Jews should stop using the Iphone. I know it sounds crazy, but that should be step one. If they don’t change their policy, then we should stop using Apple products one by one. We have the economic clout to make a difference in their sales if we boycott them. It is time for others to stop deciding for us what the boundaries of our land are. Unfortunately, I don’t think we care enough to make this type of protest. I hope I’m wrong.

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