Security Council to Discuss Tough Sanctions Against Iran

The United Nations Security Council will be convening today, Wednesday, to vote on another round of sanctions against Iran, sanctions that US Secretary of State Clinton calls the “toughest ever”.

While US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates signaled he remains confident that the stiff sanctions will pass, Clinton, who was speaking to reporters from Ecuador, was less certain and therefore unwilling to make any predictions as to the vote.

The draft resolution circulating prior to the meeting does not show the “crippling” sanctions that were discussed, and even if the Security Council manages to push through the vote, there is much skepticism regarding their effectiveness and ability to bring Iran’s nuclear program to an abrupt halt.

In Yerushalayim, the situation is one of concern, as the various intelligence agencies continue to monitor the situation in Iran, well-aware the clock is ticking down as the international community continues to discuss sanctions, realizing a nuclear Iran is simply an unacceptable reality.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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