Reuters Nabbed Doctoring Photos (Again)

It is not the first time that the prestigious Reuters News Agency has been apprehended doctoring photos to present a different reality that captured in the photo. In this case, photos showing a large knife and blood were cropped out of photos released by the news agency to present a different reality to the world regarding the IDF Shayetet 13 naval commando operation against the Gaza flotilla. According to the evidence released to the world by Reuters, the self-proclaimed humanitarian activists were unarmed, using the fake photos as testimony.

The website Little Green Footballs released the report, spreading the word that the IHH photos used by Reuters were as illegitimate as calling the Mavi Marmara a humanitarian effort when it is now abundantly clear that this was a politically motivated operation funded by terrorists and their anti-Israel agenda.

The photos appeared in the Turkish Hurriyet as was reported last week by YWN-ISRAEL and later distributed to the international media. The website concludes that someone was trying to hide the knife since from an objective editorial point of view; it does not make sense to edit out the knife when one sees a stabbed soldier at the side.

This was the same situation during the Second Lebanon War, when Reuters, known for its anti-Israel reporting, doctored photos to depict Israel in a bad light, once again revealed by the Little Green Footballs website.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. this is an extremely serious crime, it is what hitler did. they need to be prosecuted instantly. that is the most extremely horrific thing ive heard in a while.
    how can a lawsuit be filed against them? theyre not allowed to call themselves a news agency.

  2. WoW what a chutspah
    i bet ten minutes of reserch will show that reuters are run by some iranian “ACTIVISTS”
    oh by the way “ACTIVISTS” is a fancy word for terrorist!

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