Rep. King Goes After Obama Over Israel Blockade

There was a harsh blast of President Barack Obama’s Israel policy on Monday from Congressman Peter King.

He’s introducing a resolution to force the president to support Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza.

Blame for last week’s ugly Middle East flotilla clash, in which pro-Palestinian activists tried to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza, was laid directly on President Obama’s doorstep by Rep. King.

“I believe that the Obama administration’s foreign policy is responsible for what happened with the flotilla,” said King, R-Long Island.

King said the president’s conscious decision to put distance between the United States and Israel has encouraged Israel’s enemies.

“That type of misguided and double meaning policy has confused our allies. It’s emboldened our enemies and Israel’s enemies and this, to me, is unfortunately the logical consequence of President Obama’s actions,” King said.

The congressman is asking his colleagues to support a resolution that would:

* Force the U.S. to support Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza

* Refuse to let the U.S. contribute funds to an investigation of the flotilla incident

* And demand that the U.S. remove itself from the United Nations Human Rights council

King’s actions came as Egyptian security officials decided to opt out of the blockade, and re-open their borders with Gaza indefinitely.

Curiously, that was announced after right Vice President Joe Biden met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El-Sheikh.

Biden pointedly said he wanted a meeting with Egypt and other allies to find new ways to address the humanitarian, economic and security concerns of the situation in Gaza.

Of concern to Congressman King is that Iran has now said it wants to send its Revolutionary Guards to participate into another attempt to break Israel’s naval blockade.

“President Obama has to realize that this is the real deal. We have to make it absolutely clear we stand with Israel, we’re against Iran and we will do whatever we have to do to keep Iran from being involved,” Rep. King said.

Meanwhile, the State Department brushed off claims from Iran that it wants to help the people of Gaza, saying they don’t believe the country’s intentions are “benign.” And Israel said it would begin its own investigation of the flotilla incident without UN involvement.

(Source: WCBSTV)

9 Responses

  1. BSD
    This is it! Unfortunately, the President has not been a friend to Israel. He has berated Israel, chatised PM Netanyahu, and has failed to give due recognition to the Jews in America, many of whom supported him at election. So much so, a couple of weeks ago, the White House invited many Jews to meet with the President, privately, and to let them blow of steam, so to say, with the President. He did the old tap dance routine that all is rosey b/t Israel and the USA, and that he has been misunderstood, and the like. Reports indicate that most in attendance believed he was blowing smoke at them, and only a few in attendance believed he was sincere. It’s an election year and the President has been clearly told by his handlers, by congressmen & women, and by senators that represent large Jewish popluation areas that he has really missed the mark with their constituents and that is certain areas of the US, the Jewish vote, so to say, will bring downj him and his party unless he acts quickly to smooth things over. That is the pretense behind his sudden and unsual invitation to PM Netanyahu to come back to the White House, which the PM had to cancel due to the flotilla, and other things going on in Israel. I didn’t see the President shed a tear that PM Netanyahu had to cancel their meeting and in fact, the White House made it very quiet to keep most Americans unaware of a) the scheduled visit, and b) the cancellation. But in order not to upset his extended family, i.e. the Arabs, did you know that the PM of the palestians is also invited to the White House and is due here next week,or perhaps the week after? NO, you are not so aware of this, b/c the White House is trying to keep this secret as well. He’s now rushing to play two sides of one fence. Bring in PM Netanyahu to smoothe things with the Jews, and then a couple of weeks later, bring in PM palestinian to smoothe things over w/ all of those people. All along, I don’t think he cares about any of them just as long as he can keep himself looking clean. But Americans are catching on pretty fast. He’s a good talker, but this is all he is. A talker. He is in this thing way over his head, he has NO idea what to do about this or most other things. He’ll put on a great show, as with the Gulf Coast – visiting there every couple of weeks, but you know, he has no idea what to do once he gets there. So had a photo op, he leans down toward the sand, picks up a blob of oil, and it just so happens that an oil covered bird is right next to him. What a great photo op. Well, is Iran stupid enough to send troops to protect these boats? They know that if Israel fires on them, it can be the start of a major war, Gd Forbid, in the area – and they will say to the UN, oh, Israel instigated the fighting on our poor poor soldiers that were only escorting these humanetarian boats. And if Israel does not fire on them, then Israel will be looked upon as chumps for not standing up to them. And our President won’t know which way to turn. jThe President, if he realizes it or not, just might be the person that is precipatating the great war b/t Israel and her enemies, b/t the Jews and everyone else. Through his rhetoric and his inability to know how to act or when to act, he is becoming the catalyst for this to happen. The real question is = does he indeed know this, and is pushing it from behind the scenes, pushing Israel over the edge, one way or another – or is he really so unclear to the reality on the ground in this part of the world that he’s pushing the wrong buttons at the wrong time and perhaps escalating things w/o understanding it is due to his administration.

  2. He is the king!
    When the usa attacked Iraq & killed thousands of innocent civelians, that was fine. When Isreal protects itself from weapons entering enemy land, the world has a problem with that.

  3. What a stand up guy, able to speak the truth even when it isn’t popular… Pete is a great Man. More Power to Him.

  4. Finally a friend to the jews in congress? But didn’t most jews vote for obama? They’re probably not regretting it because how could the liberals be wrong?

  5. King is not the person to talk about terrorism or even support for Israel given his long support for the Irish Republican Army (allied with the PLO).

  6. 3, Learn to spell then please tell me about all those thousands of civilians. If I recall we lost a number of civilians on 911 too or did you forget about those. Maybe they werent YOUR friends or relatives?!

  7. Thank you Mr. King for your honesty and willingness to stand up to Obama and state the facts.

    Iran is itching to start a war with Israel.

    Obama, is blatantly anti semitic and short sighted.
    His bias towards the Arabs is placing the US security in grave jeopardy.

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