Poll: BP Oil Spill Response Rated Worse than Katrina

By more than a 2-to-1 margin, Americans support the pursuit of criminal charges in the nation’s worst oil spill , with increasing numbers calling it a major environmental disaster. Eight in 10 criticize the way BP’s handled it – and more people give the federal government’s response a negative rating than did the response to Hurricane Katrina.

A month and a half after the spill began, 69 percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll rate the federal response negatively. That compares with a 62 negative rating for the response to Katrina two weeks after the August 2005 hurricane.

Click here for a PDF with full charts and questionnaire.

BP’s response to the spill draws even broader criticism – 81 percent rate it negatively. And 64 percent say the government should pursue criminal charges against BP and other companies involved in the spill, which has poured oil into the Gulf from a well 5,000 feet beneath the surface since an explosion and fire destroyed the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig April 20.

(Source: ABC News)

2 Responses

  1. I guess they only asked Libs. Those would be the people who cant think and chew gum at the same time. You dont just pursue criminal charges because the president makes off the teleprompter comments to that point.

    In fact, I think the Obama Regime is the crook here because they were supposed to have equipment nearby and they didnt. They didnt allow BP to use chemicals which would diffuse the oil slick because the envirowakkos were worried. Well E-wakos, now what?!? MORONS! The Govt was supposed to have equipment there that would allow controlled burns of the oil but they were no where to be seen.

    If anyone here is the crook ….. look at 1600 PA Ave!

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