Iran Smuggling Nuclear Components Via Dubai

According to a report released by the Telegraph, Iran is using Dubai to smuggle components for its ongoing nuclear program, seeking to defy the international community, forging ahead to nuclear independence.

The report refers specifically to components from one of “Germany’s leading electronics manufacturers”, arrange by a prominent Dubai company which sold Iran a range of electronic equipment which is being used in the Natanz facility.

The report states that the German company is unaware that the items sold to a Dubai trading company were intended for Iran, with the later providing false end-user certificates for Asian companies to close the deal.

“The equipment was delivered to Kalaye Electric, an Iranian company which is also subject to sanctions because of its close association with Iran’s nuclear program”, the report states, adding Kalaye Electric is responsible for the procurement and development of the centrifuges that are used at the Natanz facility to facilitate the continued enrichment of uranium.

Iran continues to insist the entire nuclear program is for peaceful means, for electricity and medicine, not for weapons of mass destruction. Iran’s Ambassador to London Rasoul Movahedian, added that the country had no need to import or smuggle technical components.

A senior UN source quoted anonymously in the report confirms that Iran is indeed smuggling components required for nuclear program via Dubai despite the denials, calling on Dubai officials to exhibit increased vigilance in monitoring the situation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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