Sholom Rubashkin has been found not guilty on all 67 misdemeanor child labor charges, media outlets report.

WCF Courier reports: Former Agriprocessors executive Sholom Rubashkin has been acquitted of allowing minors to work at the Postville slaughterhouse.

The jury indicated they had reached a verdict shortly before 1 p.m. Monday.

Jurors acquitted him of all 67 counts of child labor violations.

Rubashkin is awaiting sentencing on federal bank fraud charges in connection with loans Agriprocessors received. Federal immigration charges stemming from the May 2008 raid at the plant were dropped earlier.

State labor officials began investigating information that minors worked at the plant in the months before the May 2008 immigration raid.

Prosecutors said Rubashkin, who was described at the CEO and co-vice president of the company, knew underage workers held jobs at the facility and did nothing to remove them or change hiring practices.

Twenty-six former Agriprocessors employees from Guatemala and Mexico testified they had worked at the plant as teenagers. The state said they worked with dangerous chemicals and some tended power-driven equipment like conveyor belts.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

48 Responses

  1. burch hashem !!!!!!! hodo lheshem ki tov ki laolem chasdo !!
    in this dark days we see yeshoes like never before !! wow
    do we have a lovely father in haven !! lets sing and dance and praise to him!!

  2. Thank G-d!!

    Things don’t seem to be going in favor of the anti-semites today! First, we read that Helen Thomas resigned, and now this – a big loss for the government prosecutors.

    May this trend continue!!

  3. Wow!! Barouch Hashem!!! His family must be so happy…Im so happy for them. Barouch Hashem, Barouch Hashem ki l’olam hasdo!

  4. al kol n’shima un’shima.
    He is not yet free. Still a long process ahead of him with the fraud charges, but let us not lose sight of him in our tfillos.

  5. Hodu Lashem Ki Tov!

    We owe a big thank you to everyone that fought hard for this, and the Ribono Shel Oilam


    This KIDDUSH HASEHEM should help all nonreligious Jews to see that HASHEM is running the world and they should return to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #1 Remember he is probably going to jail for what he was found guilty of already (not that he is guilty, he just was found guilty). So of course he will not be running his (not his anymore as #12 pointed out) even if he does somehow not receive jail time (which we have to daven for).

  8. Boruch hashem,
    So happy
    I left everything and started to dance the famous belzer song ‘vechesed hashem m’oilom vad oilom al yereioiv”
    We will bez”h see his full release very soon.
    All yiden shall see yesuas today and always AMEN

  9. And all the Jews lambasting the prosecutor for doing his job should be found guilty. guilty of a chillul Hashem.

  10. To all the commentators here who think an anti-Semite is hiding under every bed and inside every closet: It wouldn’t have mattered if Rubashkin was a Southern Baptist. He was charged, with credible evidence by a grand jury, with breaking the law. Your older siblings must have terrorized you in your childhoods with shaydim and dybbukim.

  11. Can he sue the government to pay for rebuilding and re-establishing his lost business that THEY deliberately destroyed?

  12. #23 – Any prosecutor who can’t get a dead horse indicted is not worthy to hold the office. Before a Grand Jury there is no defense. It is just the prosecutor presenting the POSSIBILITY of a crime having been committed. Only the State presents. All the Grand Jury found was that underage people were probably employed, probably were on the cutting floor, probably worked dangerous machinery, etc.

    Based upon your reply, it would be possible for a Grand Jury to indict you for practicing medicine without a license; I’m not kidding.

  13. #18: I wonder what you would say if you were the defendant, G-d forbid.

    #22: You obviously don’t know very much about how our (so called) justice system works. The evidence required to obtain an indictment by a grand jury is very minimal. The trial jury wasted no time in returning a not guilty verdict on all 67 counts. The government prosecutor most definitely went beyond the norm in his overzealous pursuit of Rubashkin. There is no question about it; the only question is – why? The prosecutor recommended a life sentence on the bank fraud charges; again, much more than what was given in other similar cases – why?

    “Kabdeyhu v’chashdeyhu”!!

  14. I’m very confused can someone explain this big Simcha? Isn’t he still facing the same chances of a life sentence for the fraud charges?

  15. Wow! What a pleasant surprise! This is so beautiful! I’m so happy!
    #31: Yes, he’s still facing the possibility of 25 years for the other charges, but he could have gotten an additional several years plus fines for these charges. Halevai this should influence the federal judge to realize the baseless persecution of Rubashkin by the government, and be more lenient with him there too…

  16. Locknload, I don’t understand what you are saying. In the end all of the charges were dropped which means that all the charges were really False. So it would seem to me that some very powerful people had a vendetta again him and likely also the company(More likely, Kashrus in The US). So BH he has been acquitted but on the same side it shows that US govnt that raided the company and basically close it down, did so on very short pretenses. This scares me tremendously that a govt would do such a thing and that there are such powerful people out that can make such a thing happen. But your are right, I wouldn’t consider this a case of Anti Semitism, it seems highly probable that this was actually caused by Liberal Jews. Hashem Yirachem!

  17. BH Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov! Sh’ma Yisroel HaShem Elokeinu HaShem Echod. Baruch Shaym K’vod Mal’chuso L’olam Va’ed.
    Why are the Jews so happy today? Here’s why: Gd woke us up this morning. He gave us the chance to pray to Him & to thank Him for everything. Hopefully, bli ayin hara, He has provided food, shelter, parnossoh, good health, etc. for all of us. And to top it all off, He also maneuvered things so that the well known anti-semite of American news has finally been caught beyond doubt. And to even top this off, HaShem has blessed Reb Rubashkin amvsh, his family, and klal Yisroel, with the not guilty verdict for all charges.
    There are three parts to his overall case. In the first instance the prosecution has already said “no go”, they aren’t prosecuting him. Couldn’t prove guilt. This trial is case #2 … could have been found guilty and placed in jail, Gd Forbid. HaShem knows he is not guilty, so He maneuvered things so that the jury found him not guilty on all counts. Now we go (and I say we b/c all Jews are connected) to the third and final phase – the federal phase. Another trial on bank fraud, fiscal fraud, etc. The prosecuters might look at #1 and #2 and say forget it, drop charges and move on. Or if they believe they can win, they might try to prove themselves right and go for the gold. As noted above, we must still daven for him and say t’hillim for him – we must see him through this final phase. Regarding Iowa and apologies. Even if they do apologize it will NEVER be enough and it will NEVER be heartfelt for all they did to him. They will apologize, perhaps, b/c now The Rubashkins can sue the State & the prosecutors, and he should – for millions – if Iowa aplogizes it will only be b/c they are terribly afraid that he might sue them. And they know, as most of us do, when a govt entity screws up like this, and they are sued for it – they almost always lose and end up negotiating a payment to the one suing them. I can almost guarantee that the State of Iowa is already waiting for him to file suit and are already lining up their lawyers and their defense. And soon they will begin pointing fingers to the prosecutors, etc. – I do not know what HaShem has in store for him, so to say. I hope, HaShem will protect him and maneuver things so that the prosecution will drop all remaining charges, or that he will be found, once again, not guilty on all charges. This entire episode occurred to teach all of the Jews a lesson. Mr. Rubashkin is only the conduit that HaShem chose to bring this lesson to light. I do not know what our national lesson is, and we are too close to it, to actually figure it out right now. We must pray for guidance so that we will clearly know what the Will of Gd is, what is He trying to teach all of us and do for all of us, and that it should become very clear, very quickly, and that HaShem MUST provide all of us with all of our answers, NOW, with the revelation if our Holy & Righteous Redeemer, immediately, NOW.

  18. Who waS out to get him It started with Peta but the bigger push was SEIU the obama union. He was their lawyer
    and he listen to them. Go to Glen Beck and search who is SEIU. Andy stern who just resign wants an international union; so everybofy can live like india wages $1000 a month or worse. Going in and destroying companies is what the banking reform package has in. At any time the government can go in a sieze or shut down a company as it sees fit. Scary; Yes but this is the change america voted for. Please pass this since it is important for all american to KNOW AND KNOW IT NOW

  19. BH Number 33 – there have been many “rumors” and “reports” that the unions may have been behind all of this, as the Rubashkin family was evidently not too fond of the unions and worked to keep them away. The unions do a lot of buisness in the meat industry and the family wasn’t willing to just go along and play their game. This is one theory, that they were in the backfield pushing the govt along. If you recall, before all of this occureed, PETA supposedly went into the plant and secretly filmed all sorts of “horrors” toward the people working there and toward the animals. They seemed to be more concerned with the animals in their reporting. Theory: When PETA could not prove anything “wrong”, and when PETA reallized they are not doing anything so bad, that they somehow connected with the unions and / or govt and asked them to move into place and to shut down this company. PETA, with their cameras and reporting, might have provided just enough food for thought, that would coax the prosecution to make this case. But PETA often works against govt, so perhaps, as a theory, they went to the unions with their films and interviews, etc., and knowing the unions were already upset with Rubashkin Company, PETA might have been just the thing that tipped the scale for the unions. And we all know, so to say, that many unions have the local govt and courts in their pocket, so to say. And it would be easier for PETA to “use” the unions to obtain their own nasty goals, knowing full well that the unions would have direct contacts with the prosecutors, etc. These are only theorise, but I think they are damn good theories.

  20. I would agree, your theory seems quite good. Personally, now with our new govnt PETA might actually be working with them too. By the way, I also am assuming that you refer to PETA as a Jewish Liberal organization, which seems that they are.

  21. Why all the celebrations when it almost certain that SMR will be sentenced very soon to many years in prison on the federal bank fraud and other felony charges to which he has been found guilty. The only good news is that the prosecution is no longer asking for a life sentence but he will remain in prison for much of his life unless the R’SO convinces a federal appeals court to reverse the guilty verdict on the bank fraud charges.

  22. Is there anyone here who TRULY believes that Reb Shalom didn’t know that illegal immigrants worked at the plant?? What about the halocha of “obey the laws of the land in which you live” I agree that the zealous prosecution of him was wrong,compared to others who were found guilty of what he was charged with, but didn’t he have an obligation as an erliche Yid to make sure everything in the factory was on the up and up??

  23. #41 You cannot have such massive liberal support for illegals comming in to this country along with artificially inflated unconstitutional minimum wage laws
    and then demand that those who’s business is undercut by such garbage, never hire the illegals eepecially when private people who try and do anything to help try and stem the illegal invasion are the ones who get persecuted for it by the authorities.

    If Rubashkin (or those who hired people for him) asked the immigration status of thees peopel they would have been brought up on discrimination charges.

    There was no way they were not going to “get that Animal killing Jew”.

    They WERE going to get him one way or another.

    Even if he wins the Federal trial and is found innocent there, his business is still destroyed, and his reputation is seriously marred forever.

  24. Actually, #43, no I’m not. I tried to stop a speech by Shimon Peres in 1997, and did 9 years for breaking the law. I repeat, I broke the law. And I took my punishment like a man. My comment was that as an Erliche Yid, didn’t he have a responsibility to make sure the law was followed? And #42, The Arbishter controls all. If one has to break the law just to stay up with the law breakers, then one has misplaced his faith in Hashem. Don’t get me wrong, I hope the takanah from Shomayim for Reb Sholom is a lenient one, but laws were broken, and he was in charge.

  25. ecbingoman,
    Instead of bragging about your ignorance of Jewish law and your adherence to Right Wing Zionist politics, perhaps you should learn a little halacha so you won’t look so foolish in the future. Dina dimalchusa applies ONLY to monetary issues and not to issur viheter. That is to say if one does 70 mph in 55 mph speed zone he has violated the precept of dina dimalchusa, it does not exist in such a situation. There may be an issue of chillul Hashem but it is not in the framework of dina dimalchusa. Conversly, if you are found guilty and fined $100 for speeding you MAY be obligated to pay the fine because of dina dimalchusa. I say “MAY” because it may be considered k’nas and not mumon in which case you would also not be obligated under dina dimalchusa. As an ehrlicher yid, he followed the gov’t guidelines that say you have to ask for a SSN and an ID. You do not have to hire a private investigator to complete a 3 week background investigation. As`long as the documentation is not blatantly forged you have fulfilled your obligation. SMR did that. Now lets see how many of these minors testifying for the Gov’t get charged with producing false documents.

  26. #45 Excellent post.
    One point on “right wing politics”.
    He might have had a right wing cause but decidedly used left wing tactics, which was what got him in trouble.

    Right wingers follow Torah and believe in free speech and making your logical point NOT acting like a left wing gangbanger and resorting to violence (except in self defense) which only shows they have no logical point or they would made their point instead of getting violent.

    #44 What does ‘taking it like a man’ have to do with anything?

    Are you implying that “Rubashkin is NOT taking it like a man” (even though he does not deserve what they have already done to him let alone what they still WANT to do)?

    Didn’t you have a lawyer who tried his best to get you off or at least get you a reduced sentance?

    What did you do that was so much more ‘stoic’ then what Rubashkin, is doing?

  27. #45:

    This isn’t the forum for an in-depth discussion of dina d’malchusa dina, however, you are mistaken that it is inapplicable to the areas outside of isur v’heter. Take a look at the R’AMA in Choshen Mishpat, ch. 369, where he paskens that it also applies to “takanas bnei hamedina.”

    In general, there are two ways to explain this principle: 1) the king owns the land, or 2) the citizens all agree to the laws. The second way certainly makes it assur to drive 70 mph in a 55 mph speed zone, unless you say that most people do it and therefore, there isn’t a haskama of the citizens regarding that law. However, you need to come on to some such answer; the basic concept WOULD at least be applicable.

  28. Here is a thought: You have a business it grows. You hire people to help you run the business, you set the rules. The business grows. They hire more people, the business grows. They follow or don’t follow the rules, the business grows. You do your best to keep hiring the best people to help you grow the business. They continue hiring people. The business grows. Only and if only people actually let YOU know that THEY are not following the rules can you possibly know things are not going as you set forth.

    In other words, if no one told the family that there were minors working there how would they know. They were however told that there was a minor found and fired. That they knew. If there was abuse or an accident that was not reported to the family how should they know? However, when a worker needed financial help or help with a medical situation they went directly to the family and SMR helped them out, that they did know.

    Let’s do a kal v’chomer here. If SMR was willing to take hundreds of dollars out of his own pocket to help an employee who came knocking on his door do you honestly think that he wouldn’t have taken a complaint of abuse seriously and fired the abuser? Do you honestly think that knowing that the business was not covered by insurance if they hire minor workers that he would not fire Billemeyer for continually ignoring his directions?

    Lets just use common sense here a little bit and look at the whole picture now that some honest testimony was revealed in this trial. Who’s testimony is more plausible the sour grapes of fired employees who were drunk and abusive, immigrants who were rewarded for lying or respected adults who had no reason to lie or give false testimony, nothing to gain and nothing to lose?

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