LYNCH PHOTOS: Gaza Flotilla Insurgent Gets Photos to Turkish Press

(Click on image to enlarge) Photos that are reportedly being suppressed by Israeli officials were smuggled out by one of the insurgents on the Gaza flotilla, depicting the first naval commandos to land on the ship’s deck, the members of the elite force attacked by the waiting mob in the attempted lynch.

The popular Hurriyet shows the wounded bleeding commandos, photos that were apparently taken moments before the naval force assumed control of the vessel. The article headline, Commando Tears, reports how the commandos tried confiscating all cameras and disc on keys, but this one was missed, providing the photos for the Turkish press.

In essence, the photos just prove that Israeli version of events, that the so-called peace activists were nothing more than hooligans seeking to beat the soldiers to death.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. The Israeli’s do not need any more proof to support there version. They never did from the start. The facts explained themselves. The soldiers went in with paintball guns clearly with no intention for violence. This boat was sent from the beginning as an instigator with the purpose of bringing as much attention to country of Israel as possible. Since as we all know too well any attention is bad attention( “vnasfshi kafer lakol tiyhiye”). Was there a reason that people, governments, and media outlets condemned Israel before the facts were know. These pictures display those TERRORISTS intentions, but nonetheless these pictures are a boosha to the IDF. They know that, even though they give a clearer reality of what evil was on that boat, that Israel enemy’s would exploit those pictures for propaganda purposes. As seen in last weeks parsha, the miraglim were afraid of losing … and therefore acc. to … they saw everything in a bad light. Those that hate and/or have an agenda against us will always see things in a bad light. What went on there needs no further proof, it was clear from the start, and even more from the videos. As reported here on YWN those men had ties to terrorists organizations…. I feel like I can go on & on about this but am going to stop with this. There is a R’ Chaim Shmulevitz vort, about why was it that Chushin ben Dun killed Aisuv. Chushen was a deaf mute. R’ Chaim explains that everyone got so carried away in arguing with Asuv that they lost clarity of the situation and were even going to send Naftuli to get proof. It was Chushin who did not understand what was going on, and asked were is Naftuli going that realized what was going on and then killed Asuv immediately. We should not get carried away in the arguments of those that hate us, and fall prey to their propaganda.

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