NYC Smoking Ads Spark New Lawsuit

A lawsuit has been ignited over the graphic anti-smoking ads that now appear in stores across the city.

Some of the nation’s biggest cigarette companies complain the city regulation forcing store owners to hang up the posters violates the First Amendment.

The companies including Marlboro, Camel, and Newport are now challenging the rules in court.

A spokesperson from the city Law Department says they’re reviewing the complaint, but adds they’re confident that the health code provisions being challenged will withstand legal scrutiny.

The Department of Health released a statement saying the point of purchase signs are meant to warn those buying tobacco of the health consequences and offer help quitting.

They say the signs are the best way to prevent the next generation of New Yorkers from getting addicted.

(Source: NY1)

5 Responses

  1. Next they will demand that fast food and grocery stores
    put up signs attacking the foods people love and telling them not to buy them, thus destroying those businesses as well.

    And what happens when apartmentys and work places are forced to put up ads promoting the Gay agenda to ‘fight discrimination’ in housing and the work place?

    Your religion does not support such ads?
    Too bad.

  2. The ads are NOT a bad idea. being forced to display them in one’s place of business appears to be in violation of the first amendment.
    Therefore, I would hope that those who sell tobacco would voluntarily display health warnings, but then it would hurt their business.

  3. It absolutely drives me CRAZY when I see young Jewish fathers (in their 20s and 30s) smoking!
    WHAT are they thinking?
    Do they really think that THEY will be the one in a million that smokes and still lives a full life span?
    Are they SO immature as to think the effects of their action are too far away to think about now?
    I understand it is an addiction, but is that addiction, is satisfying that taiva, more important to them than that their children should have a father as they grow up?!?
    It takes all my will-power to not pull these coffin nails out of their hands when I see these fools committing suicide (which IS what they are doing!)

  4. #3 I totally agree with all your sentiments about smoking.

    Someone might think from my earlier post that, I was for smoking G-d forbid.

    So to clarify;
    What I am agaisnt is the Government having th right and authority to decide for us what we may and may not do and what we ‘must do’.

    If they have that right, then it is a guarantee that sooner or later they will decide things fr us that are clearly against Torah and we will not have a logical argument against it then because they will say “You went along with it TILL now.
    You can’t suddenly start complaining about violations of your Constitutional rights and such violations were alright as long as they were in your favor”.

  5. #4 – They are not banning smoking. It’s a show. A very smart political show. I used to smoke and paid dearly (not in money) for it. I was shown and told the most horrifying pictures and stories. Nothing changed my mind at the time. These pictures do nothing either (I even asked the local candy store how sales were affected – not at all). At almost $10 a pack most of which goes for taxes, they would be crazy to actually do something that worked!

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