VIDEO: Storm In The Knesset: MK Regev Calls Arab MK a Traitor

The heated dispute in Knesset on Wednesday almost led to a physical confrontation after MK Hanin Zuabi tried speaking while many lawmakers felt she should not be permitted to speak after being onboard the Gaza flotilla.

MK (Kadima) Eli Aflalo did not wish to permit her to speak, but he was removed after being called to order by the acting speaker. MK (Yisrael Beitenu) Anastasia Michaeli, who tried grabbing the microphone in an effort to prevent Zuabi from speaking. She questioned how such a person can be permitted a podium in Knesset.

MK (Kadima) Nachman Shai explained that while he supports democracy, he cannot condone the MKs participation in an illegal act, the Gaza flotilla. Shai added that he respects her opinion, but standing on the deck of the ship while such an event was taking place was simply unacceptable.

MK (Likud) Miri Regev told Zuabi in Arabic “go by to Gaza you traitor”. She added “we don’t need any more Trojan horses in Knesset”, demanding punishment against her for betraying her country and oath of office.

MK (Hadash) Mohammad Barakeh proudly defended his colleague’s actions, calling them “noble”, as she focused on breaking the embargo on Gaza.

The shouts became increasingly audible and the speaker called on ushers to restore order, bringing the parliament to almost to a brawl as the Gaza flotilla incident continues taking its toll back at home.

Knesset security officials have ordered full time security for the MK as a precaution.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Who wa this acting speaker? Why in the world would they call on this witch to speak from the podium-today of all days?

  2. I don’t know, it didn’t seem like any Party was allowing her to speak at all. Who knows maybe this could be a beginning of a chinch in our Sinas Chinam. All the Parties finally unequivocally agreed on something!

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