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IDF Chief Praises Flotilla Commando Force

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi and Israeli Navy Commander Admiral Eliezer Marom visited three wounded soldiers from the Naval Special Operation Unit (Shayetet 13) hospitalized in Haifa’s Rambam Hospital

On Tuesday morning (June 1) Ashkenazi and Marom visited three wounded soldiers from Shayetet, all admitted to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa after violence they faced while gaining control of the flotilla.

While on his visit, the IDF commander told the soldiers, “We sent you on this mission and you operated outstandingly. There is still a need to further investigate what occurred.” Upon leaving the injured soldiers, the military commander explained that his visit is also a part of the investigation and observation of lessons learned. “We were impressed to see that they are receiving the most professional treatment possible, on the part of the experienced hospital.”

On Monday evening (May 31), after the six ships of the flotilla arrived safely to the Ashdod port, the Chief of the General Staff assembled all of the soldiers involved in the operation for a briefing. “We sent you on this mission in order to stop the flotilla, and you completed the mission.” He continued, “I can only imagine the hard realities you faced there.  Under the circumstances where soldiers’ lives were in danger, you operated correctly. An IDF soldier whose life is in danger must draw his weapon and protect his life. If those on board the Mavi Marmara would have behaved like passengers on board the other ships, the reality would have been different.”

“They could have arrived and unloaded the cargo, as we offered them, however that is not what they came for.  You operated correctly – with determination and with courage. We live in a complicated state, both on land and at sea, and we will be prepared for the next incident.”  The IDF chief emphasized that after the flotilla a thorough investigation will take place, studying everyone from the navy commander to the last of the soldiers, in order to learn for the future.

The Deputy Director of Tel Hashomer Hospital, Dr. Arnon Afek updated Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on the medical conditions of two of the Shayetet soldiers as a result of the incident.

Dr. Afek said that the two were operated on in the hospital after sustaining gunshot wounds on Monday. “The soldier injured in the head was hit by a blunt object, but has arm wounds from gunshots, and the other soldier was shot in the stomach.” Dr. Afek added that their condition is improving and expressed his hope that they would be transferred today from intensive care to the other hospital departments.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem / Portions from the IDF Spokesman’s Office –  Jonatan Urich)

4 Responses

  1. Sixty-two years and umpteen lives lost over a sliver of land the size of what, Connecticut? Hertzel should have taken up the Brits on their offer to take Uganda.

  2. Its sad that the Jewish people have an ingrained inability to admit errors. The IDF blew it “BIG TIME”! I myself ca think of 100 better ideas than trying to descend onto their boats from helicopter! We messed up! OWN IT!

  3. #1
    Uganda is NOT EY. Besides, how do we know that Uganda w9ouldn’t present the same problems that we have now?

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