BREAKING NEWS: PM Netanyahu Heading Back Home

5:00PM IL: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has decided to cut his diplomatic mission in North America short, and following a meeting with Canada’s prime minister, he will head back home, opting to cancel a planned meeting in the White House with President Barak Obama.

Due to the naval commando operation involving the Gaza flotilla, which has elicited an international diplomatic outcry against Israel, the prime minister has decided to respond positively to calls from senior administration officials to return to Israel, even at the expense of cancelling the White House meeting.

For extensive “Flotilla” by YWN israael as the incident unfolded early this morning, click HERE.

Statement from Prime Minister Netanyahu:

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu today (Monday), 31.5.10, spoke by telephone with the relevant security ministers and officials, and was updated on the action and subsequent developments.

In his discussions with Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Minister Moshe Ya’alon, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich, IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi and Shin Bet Director Yuval Diskin, the Prime Minister issued security, diplomatic and information directives, reiterated his full backing for the IDF and inquired about the well-being of the wounded.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. First place he should visit when back is the Kosel, to Daven that Hashem should give him the wisdom to resolve the situation.

  2. The Prime Minister should be home now. The left-wing, peace loving majority in Israel needs to hear the TRUTH that humanitarian aid is armaments, violence and PR to demean and delegitimatize the Jewish State. Broadcast on every radio/television station and in all the papers (Haaeretz) also what the “Peace Mission” was all about.
    Now Obama has a chance to give a statement in defense of Israel, its Middle East friend.

  3. should not have left for canada in the first place. but, ok, his place is in israel at the moment, besides, what would he really say to obama??

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