Powell Goes After Obama On Spill Response

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday that President Barack Obama has moved too slowly in asserting leadership over the Gulf spill response – and the time has come for a “comprehensive and total attack” on the problem.

Powell, speaking to Jake Tapper on ABC’s “This Week,” said he believed the military could be deployed in greater numbers to help deal with the clean-up , but that they would be of limited help.

Powell, an Obama supporter in the 2008 presidential campaign said: “The president correctly said the other day that he’s been monitoring and following and has essentially been on top of it from the beginning, but that impression was not conveyed to the American people, and the comprehensive speech he gave the other day I think he would have been better served and the nation would have been better served if he had given it a few weeks earlier.”

“I have watched a number of these kinds of crises come and go…and in every instance what I have sort of learned from all these is that the national government the federal government, the president has to get involved as quickly as possible,” Powell added. “If you don’t, public opinion starts to drag you, the media pushes you.”

(Source: Politico)

2 Responses

  1. Well in this case, the media hasn’t been pushing him. The only reason Obama woke up is because poeple on the left have been pushing him, people like James Carville etc.

    If it would be up to Obama and the people pulling his strings, he would say nothing and let this REALLY spin out of control. What would be the worst thing to happen? The coast of Louisiana would be killed for 30 years? Louisiana citizen’s livelihoods would be wiped out? Who cares, after all Gov Jindal didn’t want his state to be subservient to Obama and his gang of crooks.

  2. Uh Mr. Powell, what were you expecting even with your campaigning on Obama’s behalf, endorsing him, and ultimatley voting for him? A brilliant miliary strategist Obama is not!

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