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Rahm Emanuel’s Kosel Visit

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s Kosel visit on Thursday was a major media event in Israel, receiving prominent air time on the evening news. Accompanied by his son, Zach, who is celebrating his bar mitzvah, Emanuel was seen wiping away a tear at the Kosel. This even earned a headline in Haaretz, and the secular media ponders what he was thinking that brought him to tears. The media ponders if this emotional visit will compel  a change of attitude from his present hard-line anti-Israel position, which most feel is the reason for the White House’s radical shift towards Israel, adopting a more pro-PA (Palestinian Authority) policy.

Security surrounding the family was extremely heavy as they took a walking tour of the Old City, visiting Christian and Muslim sites as well.

Itamar Ben-Givir, who was arrested for calling the White House chief of staff a “Jew hater”, stated he had every right to call the man who wishes to give Jerusalem away a Jew hater. Ben-Givir also plans to file a civil suit against every policeman involved in his arrest. As they tried to drag him away from the high-level delegation, he continued his shouts, insisting he will not be silenced. He told police “you lost it. In the United States they protest against him. Why not here?”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

21 Responses

  1. Rahm Emmanuel is a traditional Yid from an Israeli and Israel sensitive family. He was always known as being a friend of Israel. I’m sure that he has an agenda that he’s trying to accomplish with Obama and that when push comes to shove, he can push at Obama with his accumulated influence. Rahm is duch a Yid. How about don odom l’kav zchus?

  2. #1 It seems like you don’t quite understand English language usage so let me try to explain in our language.
    If I said thE white House is changing their stance “le’gabi” Israel would you mind? But le’gabi means towards doesn’t it? Yet le’gabi is a perfect word to use.

  3. #2 “theprof1” – What are you smoking chaver? Are you seriously so naive as to believe what you wrote? I really hope you were just being sarcastic.
    By the way… that “tear” of emanuel’s was not from emotion, it was an allergic reaction to the squid this “traditional Yid” had recently eaten at the traif restaurant in Eilat.

  4. disregarding your barb, even if “towards” can SOMETIMES possibly be used as “l’gabEi”, when used together with “shift”, it is wrong to say “shift towards” and mean shift AWAY FROM…

  5. To ainohdmilvado, ur too quick to judge emanuel. He’s a jew, why would you assume he’s eating treif in eilat? Of course he cares about israel and the safety of its citizens, what’s wrong with you. Maybe you shouldn’t project your own issues onto other people!

  6. To all of those apologists for Rahm Emanuel, let me remind you that he had no problem sitting next to the Saudi King Fahd, one of the most despotic, blood thirsty dictators in the region who will stop at nothing to maintain control over his throne including giving as much money as the jihadists demand so they will leave him alone. This rosho has spent millions and millions of our petrodollars in the name of killing Rahm Emanuel’s fellow Jews in Israel so to destroy the Jewish State of Israel.

    So kfb and theprof1, I hope you enjoy your just desserts after your respective 120 together with your friends from J Street.

  7. Your sister, first off calm down, we have to be thankful that we live in a democratic country where were not being persecuted everyday! Its a huge chillul Hashem to bash an esteemed member of the US cabinet no matter who he is, especially a fellow Jew. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  8. kfb, you’re too quick to judge ainodmilvado. you also have not been following the news. Unfortunately, emanuel was widely reported as having eaten shellfish etc. in Eilat.

  9. To #9 “kfb” – Do you read the news? It was all over the Israeli media (SECULAR as well as religious) how he took his family to eat in a traif seafood restaurant in Eilat and dined on squid! He was even photographed with the chef! I’m not ASSUMING anything – it’s a FACT!
    And if you don’t realize that obama is an anti-Semite, and that emanuel is his “court-Jew” you really need to take a reality pill!

  10. To everyone who wants to find a zechus for Rahm Emanuel…now let’s get real. You may state correctly that he comes from a Israel Sensitive family and even a Jewish sensitive family. He, himself,however, is a leftist politician first, last and always. Remember, he was the Clinton official responsible for the infamous handshake with the murderer Arafat. It is public record that HE was the one who urged Obama to be tough publicly on Netanyahu. As far as his personal beliefs…they are really part of what you would classify as SMORGASBOARD JUDAISM. …take only what you want at the moment. He FALSELY declared that the Modern Orthodox Rabbi, where he WAS SUPPOSED to attend services on Rosh Hashana, ALLOWED him to go vote INSTEAD for the STIMULUS PACKAGE in the national interest. He publicly took his family out to eat recently in a Treif Seafood Restaurant in Eilat. …and now he sheds a tear…GET REAL…IT IS ALL POLITICAL THEATRE. The most important thing to Emanuael is his leftest politics…tradition not withstanding. Honestly, we would be better off with an honest gentile who sees things clearly and doesn’t PRETEND to be a friend.

  11. To #11 KFB why should she be ashamed of herself? We live in a democracy, you’re right, and thats the reason why she has all the right to express her opinions and bash him if she wants to. I think you’re a being a little to quick to talk.

    Granted he is a jew, and we have to love him for that. However if his actions are clearly not in the interests of jews and israel then we have a right to bash.

  12. kfb, Rahm Emanuel forwards all e-mails directly to him to the White House. He politicizes everyone’s contacts.

  13. Not only rahm but his brother too.They can actor very well on line. Cry and laugh when you are suppose to. Sorry but the wall stunt is just a stunt; maybe he had somebody else playing rahm like in a movie. Come to think of it obama best friends are movie stars and all leftist.
    IF you are kind to a rasha you will end up being CRUEL TO A TZADDICK. rahm is definitely not a tzaddick. WOULD YOU TRUST HIM WITH YOU MONEY in not I won’t trust him with the people in Eretz Yisrael’s lives

  14. Thank you AinOhdMilvado and thank you Mottel1 for setting things straight. The fact is that he is a Sonei Yisroel and we can hope he does Teshuva along with all the other destructive Jewish liberals. But until then we should have him in our Kovana when we say the Bracha “Vlamalshinim” that was formed by Chazal for specifically these type of Yidden.

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