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NYC Woman’s Ad Crusade: Say No To Islam

WCBSTV reports: They’re controversial bus ads some say are flagrantly anti-Muslim.

An activist Manhattan woman is paying for the campaign detractors believe is bent on encouraging Muslims to abandon their religion.

CBS 2 HD took a look at the woman behind the controversy and the backlash it’s generating.

“It’s about the violent ideology of Islam. Yes, yes!” Pamela Geller said.

Geller is a woman on a mission.

With websites, blogs, and now bus ads she is campaigning against what she calls the poisonous ideology of one of the world’s three monotheistic religions. On Tuesday night she was speaking out against the proposed lower Manhattan mosque near ground zero. On Wednesday she is defending the ad campaign offering help to Muslims who want to leave the Islamic faith.

Is it offensive? Is it intolerant? She says no.

“It’s just a place for apostates and people leaving Islam to go. It’s not meant to offend anyone. It’s an issue of religious freedom,” Geller said.

CBS 2 HD: “Would it be offensive if it were leaving Judaism or leaving Christianity?”

Geller: “No. Is Jews for J offensive? I’m Jewish and I don’t find that offensive. It’s really all about religious freedom. I have nothing against Muslims. There’s a problem with the violent ideology of Islam. Lou, there is.”

Geller raised $8,000 through her websites for 30 of the leaving Islam bus ads — a minuscule campaign in a city the size of New York, but certainly large enough, given the subject matter, to get some reaction.

“This is a combination of bigotry, hatred and an individual using the current climate we’re in to advance their own cause,” said Faiza Ali of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

And it isn’t just Islamic groups who are worried about the ad campaign and the online anti-Muslim vitriol. The folks over at the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith also think they see a disturbing pattern.

“This kind of language, this kind of characterization has no place in our society. It muddies the waters rather than really allow us to move forward,” said ADL regional director Ron Meier.

The ADL has not taken a position on the presence of a mosque in lower Manhattan, but it does reject any part of the debate that focuses on prejudice and generalities.

Geller said she will continue her campaign against the mosque and her ad campaign as funds become available.

(Source: WCBSTV)

5 Responses

  1. It figures that Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith would stick up for the Islamics who want all Jews either converted or killed, just like any other “infidels” would be, under Sharia Law.

    If an Islamic group were putting up these ads to get Jews to convert to Islam, neither of these supposedly Jewish organizations would have any problem with it.

    They are liberal organizations and liberalism is hypocrisy.

  2. #1
    The ADL is opposed to any racist activities, including these offensive signs. This is NOT a liberal – conservative issue. It is clearly racist and is backed by a TOTAL nut job who, not surprisingly, has Tea Party credentials.
    BTW Tea Party = KKK

  3. This women is not smart!! What she is doing is gonna b the cause for retribution from the muslims!! They’re gonna use this as an excuse to make many more terrorist attacks!! This is bad this is gonna open a realy ugly can of worms!!

  4. By the way all- CAIR is a known financer of Hamas and Hizballa and an anti semetic organization. I’m so glad they are given time by CBS.
    And Moose 613 you apparentlty have the brain of a moose, Tea Party has nothing to do with racism you idiot, its a movement against big government and illegal immigration.

  5. #4
    Your personal attack is just as disgusting as Tea Party politics. Tea Party wants to revers ALL social advancements of the last 100 years. Personally, I don’t think the employment agency signs so abundant in the 30s should be legal. In case you don’t remember, the read ” No Jews or Dogs allowed.”

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