Israel: Suspected Bread Cartel Leads to Arrests

Police investigators allege the heads of Israel’s four largest bakeries teamed up to create a cartel, arresting a number of senior officials as the case develops. Questioned in the case are senior officials of the four bakeries, Angel’s, Berman’s, Duduvitch and Merchavit.  The four firms are accused of illegal practices in their effort to control the industry which amounts to NIS 2.1 billion annual.

Some of the suspects were brought before a Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court remand hearing, with police requesting to extend their remand. Two suspects, from Angel’s and Berman’s were remanded on Monday for two additional days.

Officials explain the case is viewed as a most serious one, not just because a cartel is a violation of the law, but because in this case we are dealing with bread, a basic staple, a product that is invaluable in day-to-day life.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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