Israel Flips the Bill for Rahm Emanuel’s Treif Eilat Dinner

MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Dr. Michael Ben-Ari is asking a simple question, why the Ministry of Tourism flipped the bill for Rahm Emanuel and his family, to pay for their seafood meal in Eilat’s Boston Restaurant when the senior US administration official is on a private family visit, not an official state visit.

As was reported earlier, the Emanuels are here to celebrate the bar mitzvah of a son. Adding insult to injury, the media reports detail the menu of his treif bar mitzvah meal, paid for by the Jewish People. A representative of the ministry was also present at the seafood banquet where they dined on Israel’s finest treif seafood.

Ben-Ari has taken the matter to the attorney general, questioning how the ministry pays for such a meal which was simply part of a private vacation, not in any way related to state or official business. He cites the lack of funds for healthcare and many other areas, insisting the ministry be instructed to return the bill to the honorable White House chief to pay.

The Emanuel family will be in Yerushalayim, in the King David Hotel on Monday, and Rahm Emanuel will be meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at some point.

In the meantime, the actual venue of the bar mitzvah remains the subject of speculation as right-wingers continue threatening they will disrupt any attempt to host it at the Kosel, stating the White House chief of staff is most unwelcome in Israel, yet alone the Kosel.

Some reports indicate the Emanuels will mark the occasion with officials of the Conservative Movement while other speculate the bar mitzvah will be held at Robinson’s Arch at the Kosel, the location used by Women of the Wall for their monthly prayer service, including laining from a Sefer Torah and wearing tefillin.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. Welcome to third world corrupt devoid of all moral fibre Israel. This guy spits on the State of Israel and it welcomes him with open arms. After reading this do you still wonder why those true to Torah values have as little as possible to do with the State?

  2. Emanuel never claimed to be a frum yid and openly eats at treif restaurants in the U.S. so this is no secret. The tourist authority routinely picks up the tab for visiting VIPs coming to EY, both yidden and goyim, and he should be no exception His visit, albeit private, will spur tourism and pay back a lot more than the few NIS his meal may have cost(albeit without hashgacha). Whether we agree with the administration’s policies, any many here don’t, there is no question that it is a big kavod for EY for him to come to celebrate his family’s simcha as the kosel.

  3. Please lets not forget how Obama insulted PM Netanyahu and did not invite him to dinner but disdainfully said “I am going to dinner now” and left them sitting in the other room!

    No, Israel should not foot the bill for Rahm Emanuel’s family dinner!!! Absolutely not. And the US administration should apologize for his rude behavior in expecting them to.

  4. How pathetic, this medina continues to beg the outside world for love, including anti-Semitic Jews – where is their pride?

  5. #5 & #7: Loshon Hara/Rechilus on whom?
    As far as I recall, the issur of L”H is only on “Amisecha” which is Am She’itcha Batorah Umitzvos. People who publicly disregard/ are anti- torah and mitzvos are not protected by the halachos of L”H.
    (One shouldn’t speak L”H about anyone at all, but the actual issur is only on Shomrei Mitzvos [and maybe tinok shenishba])

  6. Thank you no 11 my point exactly.

    1 Maybe Rahm Emanuel is Tinok shenishba 2 How do you know he publicly disregards Torah and Mitzvos? you were in his home ever or in the white house. I do learn Chofetz Chaim at one point i was doing it daily. I am sorry I do not see the Heter for this article.Would the chafetz chaim have approved? I doubt it.

  7. 1)I have a hard time seeing how someone who obviously has access to torah can be called a tinok shenishba

    2)I know absolutely nothing about Rahm Emanuelexcept that IF this report is true, he was publicly eating treif food, which would seem to put him beyond the pale of Am SheItcha.
    One can easily make the case, possibly rightly so, that believing a story that puts him beyond the pale is a very tight circle, and I stand corrected in terms of Emanuel himself. As far as the L”H aspect goes, the C”C would not approve, but it isn’t assur.

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