The Justice Ministry Internal Affairs Unit questioned the Jerusalem police chief following a complaint filed by chareidim regarding the brutal arrest of a Toldos Aaron chossid.
According to a report that has not found its way to the mainstream media, the chief was questioned and investigators in the internal affairs unit plan to speak with him again before deciding if charges will be filed against him.
The arrest was in connection with protests against the relocation of bones at the construction site of Ashkelon’s Barzilai Hospital.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
4 Responses
It is definitely painful to see a Yid arrested but there are other ways to protest an issue. The Bochurim and Yungeleit Davening or learning were not arrested. Why take part in the destruction of property and have the Israeli media post scenes all over the world.
#1, i think the key word is “brutally”
There are 2 problems that are really ONE.
1)The protesters do not behave like menschen.
2)The police do not behave like menschen.
Although I have no love for the police, if the protesters behaved in a dignified way, they would not give the police an excuse to act like chayas.
to #3 AinOhdMilvado – while I agree that the protesters did not act appropriately in this case, there are a number of situations where it is documented that the Israeli Police acted with inappropriate force against peaceful protestors. See Amona for reference, where force was used by the police to make a point, and not because it was necessary. That being said, that is no excuse for protesters to act like Chayos.
an Israeli Yid