Report: Rubashkin Admitted To Hospital Over Weekend

The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier which blogs the Rubashkin court proceedings live says that Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin was hospitalized over the weekend for an infection.

No further information was available to YWN at this time other then what was posted by their reporter live in the courtroom.

Here is the actual blog with the times posted:

8:37  Jeff Reinitz: … attorneys are in. … court not in session yet 
8:38  Jeff Reinitz: Defense attorney Montgomery Brown said Sholom Rubashkin was taken to the hospital over the weekend bc of an infection. It doesn’t appear Rubashkin will be available for court today. 
8:38  Jeff Reinitz: Rubashkin had been staying at the Linn Co. Jail in Cedar Rapids during the trial. 
8:38  Jeff Reinitz: They parties will talk about the situation with the judge shortly. 
8:54  Jeff Reinitz: Attorneys are still trying to figure out where Sholom is, get the details 
8:54  [Comment From Guest Guest : ]
Is it possible they will go forward without SMR in the courtroom? 
8:55  Jeff Reinitz: It is possible to have a misdemeanor trial without the defendant present. This is a misdemeanor case 
8:59  Jeff Reinitz: Judge comes in, they go back in chambers to discuss it. 
9:00  Jeff Reinitz: It still doesn’t look like they confirmed where Sholom is. 
9:10  Jeff Reinitz: No trial today … Proceedings cancelled 
9:13  Jeff Reinitz: Sholom’s wife said he had a bite or something on his arms from last week. Apparently it got worse over the weekend. She doesn’t know where he is.
9:13  Court attendant said no court today

6 Responses

  1. wish him a refuah shelema b”H
    a bit confused though… she doesn’t know where he is?
    no one knows where he is? sounds weird to me!

  2. Rachmana nitzlon!! Hashem shld hav rachmonos on him and help him! Whatever he did he doesn’t deserve such harsh punishment and his children forsure don’t deserve it!!

  3. BSD
    Why doesn’t anyone know where he is? If the defense attorney knows that he was sent to a hospital, then certainly this same defense attorney ought to be capable of finding out which hospital, and finding out what is exactly going on with Mr. Rubashkin. Doesn’t this seem like a reasonable job for a defense attorney to handle? And if he was taken to a hospital, from the jail, why wasn’t Mrs. Rubashkin notified – isn’t the jail required to notify her when things like this happen? And if the attorney knew he had been moved, why didn’t HE notify Mrs. Rubashkin? Something isn’t “kosher” here. Too many unanswered questions, too many loose strings. At least someone should call the jail system and find out what is going on !!! In a small place like Waterloo – Cedar Falls, it should be relatively easy to trace the whereabouts of someone in their jail – and even more so – when it deals with a person that is being watched internationally by those concerned with his fate.
    I hope that by now someone has figured out exactly what did happen and what is happening now.

  4. Hashem yerachem is right, its not normal how a person can laad so much in America like that, think about it, he’s alive but dead from his wife, children, beis medresh, any mitzva, friends & even just fresh air, & for what??? Not for murder… we have to come up how to put big time pressure by the federal administration about that. Let’s hope with hashem’s help to get him out of there,& back to his wonderful family

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