Israel: N.Korea Shipping WMDs To Syria

Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Lieberman met today (Tuesday, 11 May 2010) with the Japanese Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama.

During the meeting, FM Lieberman raised the issue of cooperation between North Korea and Syria. He stated that cooperation of this nature endangers the stability of South East Asia as well as that of the Middle East, and contradicts all the accepted norms and rules of the international arena. Minister Lieberman stated further that the North Korean-Syrian cooperation is not focused on economic development and growth, but rather on weapons of mass destruction, illegal smuggling – as was seen several months ago when a North Korean plane loaded with a huge quantity of armaments destined for the Hamas and Hizbullah terror organizations was detained in Bangkok – as well as other destabilizing events.

FM Lieberman and Prime Minister Hatoyama also discussed the Iranian issue, which is due to be debated this month in the United Nations Security Council.

The Foreign Minister invited Prime Minister Hatoyama to visit Israel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem / Foreign Ministry)

4 Responses

  1. You have to blind to not see what’s happening. Moshiach is on the brink. Let’s make sure we are zoche.

  2. Are we supposed to be surprised at this, as if we did not alraedy know they were probably doing things like this?

    The real question is what anyone who cares (not the American president, apparantly) can do about it?

  3. its pretty clear that isreal either has to use massive nuclear defense or be exterminated forever. how long are they going to wait? the hostile nations know they need to act quickly before israel defends itself. we have the right to defend ourselves.

  4. #2
    Assuming that these allegations are true, what do you expect President Obama to do about it? He cannot act alone. Sanctions must hqave the backing of all nations to be effective and a military option is probably out of the question at this time.

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