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WSJ: City Hospitals To Lay Off 500

There’s word of layoffs planned for hundreds of healthcare workers throughout New York City.

According to Tuesday morning’s Wall Street Journal, the city’s public hospital system is planning to lay off about 500 administrative managers and building workers while ending contracts with a significant number of doctors.

Officials tell the paper — a $1.2 billion gap in next year’s budget is to blame.

The hospital cuts follow 13-hundred healthcare jobs already eliminated through attrition.

(Paloma Gefen – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. You are witnessing the slow motion version of the wheels falling off the wagon that is the economy. What was more secure than city healthcare job? I once saw 400 people toss in their hat for one maintenance job. Hashem Yerachem

  2. I’m sure there will be many more state and local employees joining them. If you have a finite amount of money, and it doesn’t cover the costs, one has to cut wages or fire employees. Given that government employees tend to be overpaid, this is to be increasingly expected.

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