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Senator Seeks $1M For Kiryas Joel Emergency Ops Center

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is seeking a $1 million grant for Kiryas Joel to build an emergency operations center that she says would “serve the entire region in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.”

The funding request — one of four so-called earmarks the Democratic freshman senator is seeking this year on behalf of the village — is listed among scores of grants for projects across the state that Gillibrand has requested and posted on her website, as required under new disclosure rules that took effect last year.

The description of Kiryas Joel’s emergency operations center is one sentence, leaving unanswered where it would be created and why a village of about 22,000 people needs one. Gillibrand’s office agreed to provide more information on Monday but didn’t respond afterward; Kiryas Joel officials didn’t return calls.

Orange County already has an emergency operations center in a $40 million building that opened in Goshen in 2008. That facility, activated most recently during a blizzard in February and storm flooding in March, has room for as many as 60 representatives of emergency-response agencies.

Walter Koury, the county’s emergency services commissioner, said Monday that he hadn’t heard about Kiryas Joel’s proposal. Nor had Woodbury police Chief Robert Kwiatkowski, despite the description of the project as regional.

The other grants Gillibrand requested for Kiryas Joel are: $2 million to upgrade sewer and drainage systems; $850,000 for road widening, drainage improvements and repaving; and $800,000 for equipment and furniture for Aishes Chayil, the village’s rest home for postpartum mothers.

(Read More: Times Herald Record)

3 Responses

  1. Why would the people in a frum neighborhood wants an emergency center anywhere near them. The employees will all be goyim, and it will need to operate “full blast” on Shabbos.

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