The Role Model Our Kids Need: A Gadol In Our Time: Stories About Rav Chaim Kanievsky


A role model is a person who serves as an example by influencing others… Children look up to… role models to help shape how they behave in school, relationships or when making difficult decisions… Children may try to copy the behavior and appearance of celebrities, such as athletes and entertainers, and characters from books, TV, movies and video games…
–From the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (

We all want the best for our children. The best health care, the best nutrition, the best chinuch.
Well, what about the best role models?
In A Gadol In Our Time: Stories About Rav Chaim Kanievsky, we offer our children one of the greatest role models we can show them, the “Sar HaTorah,” Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita.
This is a book designed to interest, engage, and excite readers ages 9 and up (yes, and their parents too!). It’s chock full of compelling, unusual stories, and it features more than 100 photos for readers to pore over.
Our children will meet young Chaim Kanievsky, who during recess would play a game he made up himself: he would count the number of times Abaye was quoted in the Gemara, how many times Rava appeared, and so on. They will read about the many amazing instances of hashgachah pratis that come to a person whose faith in Hashem is rock-solid. They will see Rav Chaim growing up with his father, the Steipler, and his uncle, the Chazon Ish, and they will get glimpses of their greatness. They will meet Rav Chaim’s wife, Rebbetzin Batsheva o’h, and learn unforgettable lessons in both chesed and ahavas Torah. They will be amazed, and inspired, by Rav Chaim’s devotion to his learning. And while our children are reading about the lives of these illustrious personalities, and enjoying the stories, they will also be seeing role models who will teach them so much about living pure Torah lives.
No, most of our kids won’t become gedolei ha’dor, but viewing the behavior of great men and women will teach them about the Jewish values that are truly important – and show them how to incorporate the into their lives.
Thousands of young people have already enriched their lives with A Gadol In Our Time: Stories About Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman. Now, with this new volume, we get still another role model for our kids, and another unforgettable book for them to enjoy.

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