Photo Essay: Satmar Cheder In Yerushalayim Gets Ready For Purim By Parading Children With Images of Frum Soldiers With Pigs Faces (Photos by JDN)

35 Responses

  1. Looks a lot like propaganda. Why not teach your argument logically? If the logic is sound, there’s nothing to worry about.

  2. Hashem loves jews and “they” are the holy Jews “am kadosh” that hashem has on this world. Boys with payos and a image of jews with big yarmulkes etc. This is who hashem loves.

  3. Its rare one would wish for bad outcomes on other yidden but perhaps here we should make an exception for the disgusting ADULTS who used these unknowing yinglach as props for their vile disparagement of the brave men and women of the IDF. I cannot believe even Rav Yolish, Z’TL, would have endorsed this abomination.

  4. Never made any comments on line. But, this pictorial is one of the most horrible sites that I have seen. And yet, we complain when the Palestinian children party when an Israel is killed in a terrorist attack. These “JEWS” and I use the word loosely are JUST as bad. I am horrified. You don’t like the politics, leave the country!!! you definitely aren’t Zionists. The messiah will never ever come if we treat each other this way. These “holy” people should be ashamed for pulling small children into this HATRED for another JEW.

  5. These people are sick whether you support the Medina and Tzahal or not, this is a disgraceful chillul hashem. To be honest it is similar to the indoctrination and brain washing that the so called palestinians subject their innocent children to. Using innocent naive children to spread a political and alleged religious message by abusing the guardianship of their children is a show of sinas chinam and child abuse. It is totally unnecessary and will achieve nothing over than sinas chinam and chillul hashem.

  6. Why, YeshivaWorldNews must you fomate additional Sinaas Yisrael? Isn’t there enough of it without you? Who promote more???
    Shame in you!
    Yes, this is disgraceful but so is your need to bring it to the masses!
    Don’t you get it! With you promoting it they got what they wanted! PUBLICITY!

  7. 50 years ago when a small rabbi that rarely left his house (the holy chazan ish) said better get KILLED than join any form of public service had it been reported on YWN I”m sure you all would wright similar comments…
    well who was right do we not see first hand (those of us who live in EY) how the absolute first agenda in army is to destroy and uproot all sense of religion
    for those who feel we should leave the children out of it well maybe speak to the gov first!! The Israeli gov (and part of your american tax $$) allocates millions of $$ for propaganda IN ELEMENTARY schools!!! (its not east to have a draft in a country that the gov only represents a small 5 of its citizens)

    karlbenmarx get your facts right no satmer institution in the entire Israel takes a penny (or a agura) from the govermant neither do they take any social services or use any gov public services like buses…

  8. I love yidden and yiddishkeit, and just because I do, I cannot bear to see this.

    Just because a yid, who follows the same Shulchan Aruch you do, has a Rav with a different opinion than yours allows you to do this? – This isn’t the Yiddishkeit of our ziedes…

  9. Were it not for the IDF, Eretz Yisrael would have been run over by the Arabs long ago. Arabs make no distinction between Satmer and other Jews. Why does the Satmer community vilify the IDF, their protectors?

  10. what most people fail to understand is satmar has nothing to offer just anti tzioni and every rebbe by them is garbage
    they fail to realize that their anti israel nonsense doesnt sell anymore
    there are tons of young satmar that go to the kosel etc and dont belive in the nonsense that was fed to them

    sick people
    with nothing to offer
    but two brothers who dont talk to each other
    and people actually look up to these people as rebbes

  11. Very much like the way the so called “Palestinians” educate and use their children.Reflects very badly upon the entire Satmar kehilla.

  12. Wow amazing אהבת ישראל
    I have no words i don’t want to make a Chilul Hashem
    I believe that yeshiva world news shouldn’t post such articles is only a chilul hashem & brings a lot שנאה
    The best is ignore ignore ignore

  13. It gives new meaning to the term “tinokos shenishbu”.

    Notice how one of the signs says “in the way of the Torah we go to be mekadesh shem shomayim”. A clear demonstration how the Yetzer hara can make black appear as white and vice versa.

  14. You know, Yasher Koach to this website. They really do a good job at bringing Mashiach closer.By posting these pictures you have caused all of the followers to see how much we love each other. Kol Hakavod.

    You should be ashamed of yourselves! You know how much sin’ah you cause when you post these things? It’s not helping the cause. Why don’t you try and find the good in every sect of Judaism?

  15. YWN consistently, and as often as possible, posts these disgusting, anti-semitic photos & articles, including those of NK.


    I have asked many times, but you have never addressed the question. Why is it so important for you to make sure we all see what these antisemiten are doing? If you would explain, maybe we would understand.

  16. FTR I taught in Satmar Girls school. Those girls are indoctrinated as much as the boys, and are clueless about Israel – I was warned I would be immediately fired if I even MENTIONED Israel. Yet they knew all the details about Weberman and other scandals. Something is really wrong in this kind of chinuch, turning Jew against Jew. Disagree with Jews being in the army or police if you want, but stop this hatred.

  17. YWN really should take this Photo Essay down. Either care about the Chillul Hashem here or follow the NYT and only print all the news that’s fit to print. This isn’t.

  18. whats sick is that people here in the name of loshon hara (the favorite cry of those that wish to bury things)
    blame ywn
    so satmar is good ynw is bad

    sorry thats bs
    its a mitzva to publicize people that are destroying little childrens minds
    molesters destroy and these sick mechanchim destroy as well
    do not blame ywn
    act like an erliche yid is supposed to act
    and i promise you
    your name will never be on ywn

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