This Year’s Purim Will Be Different!


For the past few years, battei midrash that were once empty on Purim night have been filled to capacity, as thousands of men in Eretz Yisrael streamed in to join a special “Purim Kollel,” for at least an hour of Torah learning, in an intense, Shavuos-night atmosphere. The tefillas rabbim that follows has been compared to Ne’ilah on Motzaei Yom Kippur.

Recently, a young talmid chacham from Yerushalayim, who is now in New York fighting for his life, requested of a visiting friend, “Let’s bring this idea to America; give battei midrash here a taste of the experience!” And so this year we are taking this important initiative all over the world!

Maran Harav Chaim Kanievsky, Maran Harav Aron Leib Steinman and Harav Matisyahu Salomon, among many others, have given this project their enthusiastic endorsement. The Purim Kollel is quickly turning into a movement, as ever more shuls are signing up – in Eretz Yisrael, Europe, South Africa, the USA and Canada.


In addition, the Har Nof Kollel is organizing a “Purim Partners” program: Everyone who registers for the Purim Kollel in chutz la’Aretz is invited to submit his (or another person’s) name and specific needs for tefillah in the powerful tefillas rabbim that will be held in Yerushalayim on Sunday night, Shushan Purim.

Together we will make this a truly elevated Purim! To sign up – and, if you choose, to partner with an avreich in Eretz Yisrael by having your matanos la’evyonim be given to him on Purim – call 718-210- 9737 or email [email protected]

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