MAILBAG: The Chillul Hashem Of The Movie Shoot On Ave M Gets Worse [VIDEOS AND PHOTOS]


Dear YWN.

I am appealed at what I just saw, and feel the need to share it with your readers.

On Tuesday afternoon you published a video of a well-known singer dangerously being dragged down the street on a plank of wood in some type of music video ahead of Purim.

On the YWN Instagram account there were some that questioned calling this a “Chillul Hashem”.

Perhaps they will now change their minds.

After this despicable Chillul Hashem was caused yesterday, the group apparently decided to simply dump all their props that were used in the shooting of this movie on my block – on someones garden!

The attached photos and videos [POSTED BELOW] speak for themselves. I am appalled.

What’s even worse is the people who seem to have no issue with the stunt pulled yesterday.

“Why must YWN always degrade Jews having a good time?”

“Come ON – everyone shoots movies on public street!”

“This was no Chillul Hashem – get real”.

Those are some of the comments I have heard.

Of course people shoot movies on public streets. But they get PERMITS, and have safety precautions in place. Do you know that a Frum child was KILLED at a Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Boro Park 25 years ago after a rope snapped and struck the child in face? Beri Weber nearly got killed yesterday when he fell off the moving piece of wood while decked out in his Chassidih Levush as city buses packed with non-Jews looked on in horror.

What about the street that was damaged? Did you see the marks this prop dug into the pavement?

Where is the responsibility?

Aren’t we in Galus?

And then to top it all off, they go and dump their props onto a street corner – the wooden plank, ropes, empty wine bottles, popcorn etc?! And onto someone lawn, that they pay a gardener to mow every month!

The behavior of these people must be exposed or it will continue getting worse and worse. I gurantee no Rov in Flatbush was asked if this should be done.

We are in an age where “anything goes”.

We must yell and scream and show that good Ehrlich Yidden have nothing to do with this behavior.

I can predict that there will be those that find answers for this illegal dumping and bash my letter. Likely the same people that go on trips on Chol Hamoed and throw their filth everywhere.

I encourage people to read the article you published earlier today by Rabbi Yair Hoffman discussing Chillul Hashem. Some people seriously need to get a grip.

Signed – An outraged Flatbush resident living on Avenue N and East 18 Street.

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


01 02 03 04

34 Responses

  1. If you relate to the Americans as a foreigner, you will act like this. We have to know, for ourselves, that we are part of the Jewish nation. But to the Americans, we have to act as part of the American nation.

  2. Calm down. No need to “yell & scream”. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.
    Appealed – appalled. Gurantee – guarantee.
    You are exaggerating when you say “Mr. Weber nearly got killed”. He was fine. Nothing happened.
    You say “Non Jews looked on in horror”. Oh really? Do you know that for a fact? Did you interview all the passengers? Did you confirm their religion? Was a medical team called in to deal with their trauma?
    You also claim that a boy was allegedly killed 25 years ago by a hachnasas Sefer Torah. Aha, so what are you suggesting? Ban all hachnasas Sefer Torahs?
    I’m not condoning what they did and I’m certainly against anyone making a mess on Chal Hamoed (separate discussion) but let’s not get carried away. If it truly bothers you and you are so enraged, call 311 and file a complaint. (Mesira is also a separate discussion)

  3. It’s disgusting. You should call up Dov Hikins or someone. They should also be ticketed for both obstructing traffic and dumping . It’s just terrible how some people behave. Then people wonder why Jews are suffering. Look around at all the stupid and inconsiderate people we have amongst our midst.

  4. The proper response would have been to contact those in video.
    To publicize another’s wrongdoing warrants fulfilling numerous conditions according to sefer Chofetz Chaim

  5. To the author,

    It’s nice that you remind people we’re in galus but for the life of me, I don’t get the tzushtel. You mean if we weren’t in galus, leaving garbage on someone’s property wouldn’t be a chilul haSh-m? If that’s the case, I’m sorry to root you that you don’t know the meaning of chillul Hash-m!

    Furthermore, what gives you the idea they made the movie including blocking traffic without a permit. And if they did, someone should have gotten NYC’s Finast out of the local Dunkin Donuts to give tickets.

  6. there ya go…. someone just HAD to pull the ever convenient “lashon hara” card.

    what a load of garbage.

    this is perfectly acceptable.

    i just asked my rov about this actually. he was outraged. he has a large shul less then 3 blocks from the location. embarrassed in fact.

  7. The proper response would have been to contact him personally. For every one of these videos and sensational articles on this singer you can post hundreds of him being misameach sick adults and children. He is extremely passionate about bringing ohr into others lives. Not taking away from the mistake he made here. We all make mistakes Rabbosai. The few that we have to be worked on internally. They don’t have to be put up with a video to face the firing squad.

  8. People will continue to create the chillul hashem. Therefore the only way to educate people is to scream.

    Kudos to ywn for publishing this.

  9. The people who think this is perfectly acceptable are usually the tuna beigle yeshiva drop outs who haven’t a clue of what it means to be a fine upstanding member of society.

  10. Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky didnt wear his Tallis in the street on Shabbos due to not wanting to rub it in the face of the Goyim.

    These punks who made this video (without a permit – I confirmed with the 70 precinct) should be ashamed of themselves.

    We as a community need to stop this type of behavior once and for all.

  11. And once we’re starting to make halachic articles and torah : you can make plenty of them on the Chessed and simcha he brings into yiddens lives in public and in secret. He is a special person whom made a mistake. A mistake that is most definetly prevalent today. But please to smear the berry.

  12. I live on N and East 18. What slobs do such a thing? Where did these animals grow up?

    Seriously. What is wrong with people.

    Just dump your filth on a street corner and take off? Not stam filth, but of course every product with yiddish words on ever item.

  13. Hate on the mistake and how it was made. Not on the person. He wears that same levush and is recognized by many non Jewish nurses on doctors for the frequency he is there being missmeach patients. If you personally knew a child or patient he did chesed for you wouldn’t be hating on him personally.

  14. Ferd
    Of course your Rov is justifiably outraged.
    He didn’t say that the added info of him disposing of his garbage needs to publicized though
    Loshon hora card?
    Is that like a Shabbis card fir those who don’t know Hilchot shabbis?

  15. Overrated. What harm was done? They were not blocking traffic. Just singing and having a good time. No need to worry what the goyim think. Regarding the garbage, it is very plausible that they intended to dispose of it and then forgot.

  16. I am appalled by this article!! The writer is claiming to be the all righteous in “making us aware” of other peoples faults. Last I checked that would be Loshen Horah. Please keep your evil slander to your self.

  17. Rebbe Yid : the Jews made the same mistake by the party of Achashveirosh. “We have to act as part of the nation.”

  18. @Ghbtp i don’t believe that u got an answer from them that they didn’t have a permit because if they wouldn’t have a permit we would’ve heard that these people got fined.

    @ywn why r we making חשבונות on his עבירות let him do whatever he thinks is right he is responsible for his actions we surly aren’t.

    And if u look at the “lawn” which is actually simple “grass” it doesn’t look like it was taken care of recently, it has a lot of empty spaces. A gardener is meant to take care of it, that it shouldn’t have these empty spaces.

    @joel,c he was a very big tzaddik but not everyone has the same שיטה as him. There r a lot of tzadikim that say that we should go around and show the goyim that we r proud ti be jewish!

  19. While I agree that is absolutely disgusting to dump the remains of their party in front of someone’s home, I think the writer has gone a bit overboard. In my opinion, the fury wasn’t necessary.

    The worst thing is, these stunts send a very bad message to our kids. These pranks, in the middle of a busy street, are dangerous. You can hear the buses honking when they pass & they aren’t doing it to acknowledge the “fun.” How many bored kids may consider doing the same? Some may even try it.

    The stupidity & thoughtlessness of some of our kids’ “role models” is astounding. They have a responsibility to act in a sensible & mature way, but I guess they think even bad publicity is helpful to their careers. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  20. You Frummies in BP/Flatbush in particular, are out of touch with realty. You don’t live in a Shtetl (which by the way was nothing more than a segregation of Jews from the Goyim).

    Look around you at the geometric increase of Antisemitism in the US (and the rest of the world).

    You comments show a comfort that hasn’t been experienced since 1930’s Germany. You think there is nothing wrong with what they guys did; you are wrong. What they did shows contempt for the country in which they live.

    One person’s Mitzvah observance is irrelevant. You can’t say that that outweighs his actions here. I do know that every group (Chassidish, Litvish, Datei Leumi, etc.) each have their own חלק בגיהנום

    And in regards to Mitzvah observance, just remember that your performance of them is just הכנה.

    Only legitimate Mitzvah observance exists in ארץ ישראל.

    Let the עמי הארץ trolls begin their drivel.

    פרם שמח

  21. #3 The real question is what are you talking about. Yes indeed, we have to follow the GOYISH civil laws, like getting a GOYISH permit to film on the GOYISH streets, when we are in GOYISH GALUS. Indeed yes.

  22. Joel C what an insightful anecdote of Rav Kaminetzky. Al chair shechotonu lifonecho b’lo yodim lt should make us all think

  23. #23

    > The article was written well until you got galus involved. connection please?

    Under our own Jewish system, if some individual Jew does a stupid thing, only that Jew will be taken to court and punished. In Galus, one Jew does a stupid thing and the GOYIM may well punish all Jews they get their hands on, as our history has shown so many times.

  24. #24

    > Rebbe Yid : the Jews made the same mistake by the party of Achashveirosh. “We have to act as part of the nation.”

    The statement in the Talmud is quite different. To quote a translation of the actual Tamudic statement:

    > Why was annihilation decreed upon the Jews of that generation? Because they enjoyed the feast of the wicked [King Achashverosh].

    Note the operative word is “enjoyed”. (As an aside, like the way certain sectors of Jews enjoyed Obama’s dealing with Israel and enjoy trashing Trump.) They didn’t feel the Galus when they “enjoyed” like that, so G-d reminded them, then, in no uncertain terms they were in Galus (and the same risk exists today as noted). Don’t dare compare that enjoyment with being forced, as required by Jewish Law, to behave in accordance with the government. In fact, “enjoying” sticking to the government is the same sin as “enjoying” partying with the government, namely, the sin of not feeling the Galus.

  25. preaching to the choir accomplishes nothing. Those not in the choir don’t get it. Perhaps after speaking to Mr. Weber first, you were not satisfied with his or his chevra’s attitude, seek out his moreh horoh/rebbe/rov for guidance in dealing with this.

    hatzlacha and thank you for reminding us that above all, how important it is to be considerate of others whether here in golus or in eretz yisroel.

  26. I still can’t believe that this totally uninformative pathetic article (written by some grouchy old grampa) actually has 32 (now 33) replies.
    All I can say is that “very well known singer” is sure getting the attention he was looking for

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