What Is Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah?

1The giving hand of this remarkable organization cannot be depicted better than through the extraordinary couple that is its continual inspiration: Rabbi and Mrs. Zev and Chashie Weiss, a”h. Infusing their home with Torah, mitzvos, and a burning, unbridled love for every single yid, Rabbi Zev and Chashie Weiss’ mesiras nefesh for gemilas chasodim and tzedaka was legendary.

That legend became desperately underscored when a serious illness suddenly and without warning struck both of them. Along with an abundance of tear-filled fervent tefilos to the Ribono Shel Olam, the Weiss children – six of whom were still living at home and unmarried – committed themselves to furthering their parents’ devotion to the needs of others by taking upon themselves the lofty mitzva of hachnosas kallah as a zechus for a refuah shelaima for both of their parents.

Tragically, R’ Zev and Chashie, the pillars of the Weiss home, left this world in the prime of their lives, leaving a deep vacuum in the hearts of their family and in those that lovingly knew them. The legacy of their extraordinary ahavas yisroel and chesed, however, lives on in the activities of Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah.

“Mazel Tov! My daughter became a kallah! I’m trying to feel the simcha – and although we can’t afford much, we are managing the best we can by getting the things she needs on sale – BUT BEDS DO NOT GO ON SALE!!! I realize this is something I cannot do on my own – Your Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah has provided the beds and lifted a lead piece off of our hearts! Thank you!”

“The economic times speak for themselves. My husband and I both lost our jobs. Now with a kallah in the house, we did not know what to do!! By setting up the beds, dinette table and chairs, their once bare apartment will become a home that they will able to show for themselves! Thank you, Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah!”

“Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah, how can I put into words the wonder that you have done? After notifying you about the x family, you wasted no time in responding and reacting, discreetly delivering beds and a beautiful dinette set to a new home that otherwise would have been empty. When the kallah set her eyes upon the furniture, her face literally shone with a refreshing new happiness. She and her chosson now share feelings of exuberance that up until that moment had been sorely lacking!”

With utmost sensitivity, high quality mattresses, box springs, and in some cases, dinette sets, are distributed to hundreds of needy kallah’s each year. Working with little overhead and no paid employees, Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah’s dedicated volunteers work discreetly to do background checks and to ensure that the dignity of the organization’s recipients’ is rightfully preserved. In many cases, the chossonim, kallahs and even their parents have no idea where all the chesed is actually coming from!

Few people realize the extent of Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah and its silent, but active role, in coordinating with other well-known organizations to completely provide for a young couple’s new home. What may surprise people even further, though, is the list of kallahs who are in dire need of Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah.

Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah’s recipients are your fellow yidden. They could be your friends or neighbors. They could even be your own relatives…The people who show a smile on the outside and greet you amiably as if they had not a care in the world, may be crumbling under the financial pressure of marrying off a child. You, Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah supporters, can ensure that once again simcha, with a light heart, permeates these homes as they set out to build their home.

What is Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah?

Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah is the unbroken chain of chesed inspired by Rabbi Zev and Chashie Weiss, a”h. It is the legacy that beckons each of us to ease the burden of a fellow yid and be a privileged part of building yet another Bayis Ne’eman B’Yisroel.

The auction drawing will take place at our final event Tuesday February 28 ’17 at 1572 E. 10st in Brooklyn. For further information or to purchase tickets, Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah can be reached at 718-253-1627 or www.helpakallah.org

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