Trump Versus Turx – An Op-Ed by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

turx[Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times]

The response on the part of the President to Ami reporter Jacob Turx was, of course, a very unfortunate misunderstanding. Turx certainly expressed the proper appreciation toward the president of what he is doing for Israel and for the Jewish people. The president is certainly a breath of fresh air and not only is he making America great again, but he is allowing Israel to be greatly free of much of the dangers of anti-Semitic terror. Aside from his position on allowing Israel to negotiate peace freely, and being stronger on Iran, the president’s great relationship with Netanyahu seems to be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Unfortunately, some of the comments and editorials in the religious press have been attacking Turx. It is incorrect to do so. He meant well. This is a new task for Mr. Trump and had he not been so under attack by so many people in general he would have understood that Turx was not attacking him at all.

The fact is that the president has been under siege, and incorrectly so. He is hyper-sensitive to any form of praise that is followed by the word, “However.”

The lesson that we can all learn is to be very careful in our choice of words. But Turx did not know that beforehand.

There is a fascinating explanation of this issue provided by the great Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the Alter of Slabodka. It is about our forefather, Avrohom Avinu. G-d had promised Avrohom the land of Israel to him as an inheritance. He asked, “b’mah aidah ki ershenah es ha’Aretz? – But what sign will I see that I will be inheriting the land?”
This has been interpreted by some as Avrohom Avinu doubting G-d. The Alter understands it somewhat differently.

Imagine for a moment that you are meeting someone in Times Square in Manhattan. The Alter explains that there are two ways in which one can ask the question, “How will I know who you are?” The first way is, “What will you be wearing for me to watch out for?” In other words, he is asking for a minor detail about what to watch out for, but not heaven forbid expressing any doubt as to the plan.

The second way is an expression of complete doubt, “What! It is impossible for me to see you and find you out of so many people! How will I know who you are!!?”

Certainly, explains the Alter, Avrohom Avinu meant the first way. He was not expressing any doubt in Hashem, whatsoever. Why then was he punished?

Avrohom should have been more careful in his use of language. He should have been sensitive to the fact that it can be understood the second way – in a manner that exhibits doubt. The fact that he had that ever so slight and subtle insensitivity caused the golus into Egypt.

What Turx did was not his fault at all. There is a lesson to be learned for the future, however. This author has done far worse in not being as sensitive as possible when discussing other people. To those people, I offer my apologies, for what it is worth. But let us not blame Jacob Turx, a very talented reporter and writer.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

40 Responses

  1. I will say it a little differently. I respect the office of the President, but Trump does not. Thus, I don’t feel obligated to do so.

    Trump is mentally unstable. He is thin-skinned and believes that everyone means him. His opinions are facts, and his lies is the truth. I hate media bias, but I hate attacks on my protections in the First Amendment even more.

    I did not vote for this meshugene (nor did I vote for the marsha’as) and I do not regret my decision.

  2. I agree with this assessment, to me it was clear trump didn’t understand the question. He has yet again demonstrated that he lacks the dignity and temperament for the office which he holds.

  3. We as frum Yidden are suppose to be quiet and not make a scene. So this back fired as orchestrated by God. So instead of commending the fellow look more deeper and you’ll come to the realization that God pulled the strings to show that we’d be better off being quiet than trying to be like everyone else. Syog lachochmah shsikah

  4. So let me understand – Mr. Turk potentially caused great damage to yidden in America, but he acted out of ignorance so he is not to be blamed?

    The poor fellow could not have known that one should chose one’s words very carefully when addressing the President of the United States on a public stage, so it’s excusable that he got up there and shot off his mouth?

    If he decided to fly a full plane without flying lessons, and crashed it, killing all aboard, would he also be blameless because, after all, he didn’t know how to operate a plane?

  5. There’s a reason that Chazal allowed those Jews who interacted with Malchus Romi (the Roman Empire) on behalf of the Jewish nation to learn chochmas yivonis and wear a “bluryis” hair style, both of which are issurim. Someone who wants to represent Klal Yisrael in that capacity MUST have the ability to clearly articulate his positions and interact with the political class in a refined way. He must be able to accurately take into account the context, the nature of the person being questioned, the various associations a word or phrase may mistakenly convey, and numerous other calculations. Let this be a hard lesson learned. This is not a game or a way to drum up a little sensation for a magazine. It is in fact a dangerous game to play at the expense of world Jewry. The fact that the question was clearly misunderstood is not an excuse it is a part of the problem.

  6. I have a hunch from a few things that happened he is trying play it low in showing any favoritism to Jews especially since his daughter is Jewish. He has enough enemies and he doesn’t need more at this point.

  7. Eli Wilner – Turx didn’t cause damage to yidden in America! There is nothing wrong about asking the president how he plans on dealing with an uptick in antisemitism in America. The ones who cause damage to American and the yidden that live in it are the Trump voters and his legions of mindless zombie supporters that will defend every despicable act that he does.

  8. Eli Wilner #6 – well said. Turx made a chillul Hashem with the way he asked his question. I hope President Trump doesn’t think that religious Jews in general are so dumb. If anything would cause anti-Semitism, it’s his question and how he spoke. A religious Jew, first of all, has to learn to talk with tremendous amount respect to a President.

  9. If u watch the video Trump doesn’t do anything crazy, because of the long draw out way the question was asked, it’s quite obvious what he’s asking, so Trump cut him off because the rest of the question was a waste of time. Then Trump calls him a liar because he was supposed to ask a simple straightforward question, which this wasn’t. At the end a bunch of people jump up to ask questions and Trump tells ALL OF THEM to be quiet. When CNN was ripped to shreds by Trump they didn’t care, because the world of political reporting is dirty. If you can’t do it them find another job.

  10. #1 a frum Jew doesn’t belong their
    #2 Ami is not the magazine that represents the Charadi Jewry.
    #3 Dress normally where a suit (long or short) or a shirt not a black vest. and don’t have you twitter account on your kipa.
    #4 after a similar question was asked yesterday by a crazy Israeli reporter and the Pres. got offended he should of known not to ask the same question.

  11. What in the world do you mean that “The president is certainly a breath of fresh air and not only is he making America great again, but he is allowing Israel to be greatly free of much of the dangers of anti-Semitic terror.” Breath of stale repugnant air is more like it! He is making America great again? How? By attacking judges, the media, and private sector companies? Are alternative facts good for America? Making Israel safe? Rav Shach was against settlement construction. Shame on you! Please stop printing this nonsensical drivel!

  12. “What Turx did was not his fault at all.”

    Incompetence is not an excuse.

    Insulting the President by voicing -again- hurtful baseless accusations, all while being the de-facto representative of Frum Jewry, has shamed us all.

    More significantly, it was a chillul Hashem.

  13. #9: Most people in these threads, including myself, are decrying the remarks of Mr. Turx and not at all addressing the competency or policies of President Trump. Yet you jump in with your predictable attacks on Mr. Trump! Just who is the zombie here?

  14. President Trump was very smart to deflect from the free publicity that the frum reporter gave the anti-Semitic acts.Why publicise it, why, when you know the authorities are trying to fight those acts already?

  15. Turx spoke the way he always does. He was clearly misunderstood by the President.

    But before speaking to a powerful person, and especially the President, you need to understand how he works.

    Trump is self centered. Trump is hyper sensitive. Trump is always afraid that the media will trip him up. Therefore, Trump read the question (somehow) as being an attack for being anti-semitic, even though Turx stated the exact opposite.

    Point is, know your audience. He should have cut to the chase. “Mr. President, what do you say about the recent uptick in anti semitic occurrences etc. How will you respond to it?” Done.

  16. #20: I disagree strongly with Rabbi Hoffman on this issue. You are entitled to do the same. But you have some chutzpah questioning his Rabbinic credentials! Who the heck are you, some guy hiding behind a pseudonym on a blog? Where’s *your* smicha from?

    And learn to read! Rabbi Hoffman is coming to praise Turx, not bury him! And he is responding in a context where a large hamon *is* coming to “bury” him!

  17. AMI is known as a liberal leftist magazine..
    Lots of people know it…
    Obama turned back on racism and liberals are working hard at turning back on anti-semitism

  18. Extremely well said rabbi Hoffman! Cudos! Finally a breath of fresh air -s/o who actually respects fellow Jews! Iyh all those who had nasty comments to say on the previous article will learn from ohavei Yisroel!

  19. “The fact is that the president has been under siege, and incorrectly so. He is hyper-sensitive to any form of praise that is followed by the word, “However.”

    Please stop blaming the victim and trying to justify the outbursts of an egotistical maniac.

  20. #23 If you don’t like blogs stop posting on them. Any yeh blog posters are mostly anonymous. If you don’t like this forum try writing letters to the editor.

  21. Any question asked that does not play into the Trump line is a personal attack on him and his family and he goes into this incoherent defensive posture without ever address the substance of the question. Mr President: what is your administration doing to combat the growth in anti-Semitism here in the U.S. and the world overall??

  22. He should have asked “what are you planning to do to stop the rise of anti-semitic acts around this country and help unify the nation?”
    His question sounded like some one from the left wing press trying to start something against the President. Turx should have worn some formal long suit and not a vest with an open shirt. He is not sitting down to eat with his friends. Look at all the other serious reporters.
    According to the TORAH, you must show him respect because of his position even if you think the worst of him like the alt-left.
    A real reporter should understand the person being interviewed and be sensitive to their feelings. If not, then this will be repeated and the damage may be non-repairable.

  23. By pointing out the increase in recent anti semitism Turx was reminding people that President might be the cause of it.
    So it was a question with a negative conotation and he had plenty of time to prepare for it so no excuses.

  24. crazykanoiy: In typical fashion you ignore substance and persist in personal attacks. I pointed out the hypocrisy of your calling critics of Turx “zombies”, while you are the one fixated on attacking President Trump even though the main topic of discussion on these threads is Turx, not Trump!

    Your respond by telling me not to post here. I can well understand why you would prefer that someone who calls you on your hypocrisy would go away, but I have no intention of doing so. I fully intend to show you up for what you are at every opportunity. Think about that over Shabbos, and stew, along with your cholent.

  25. Eli Wilner – Some basics: The comments are on the article, not the thread. That is what comments on blogs are for. It is a way for people to comment on what they have read. My comments were on Rabbi Hoffman’s article.

    Zombies refer to people who mindlessly defend every despicable act that this president such as his public embarrassing and humiliation of people that dare to challenge them. I do not know what you teach your children, but I imagine that you would rebuke them if they carried on like this president does. Unfortunately many Trump supporters defend his disgusting and repulsive behavior.

    Lastly, I never told you to stop posting. I told you to stop knocking people for “anonymously posting on blogs” Blog posters are mostly anonymous. If that bothers you, then you are free to CHOOSE to post you concerns and perceived grievances elsewhere. Just stop complaining about the forum that gives you a mouthpiece for your voice to be heard.

  26. crazykanoiy: I said not a word about President Trump in my postings. Yet you characterized me as a Trump zombie. That reflects your fixation, as I said.

    Rabbi Hoffman’s article was also about what Turx said to Trump, not about Trump’s character or competency. Yet again, you saw fit to use it as another excuse to attack the President.

    You have every right to go off-topic in your postings, and you have every right to be an anti-Trump zombie. Just as I have every right to call you on it.

    You now say, “I never told you to stop posting”. But your #28, says, “If you don’t like blogs stop posting on them.” Is it amnesia or dementia? In any event, you clearly need a refuah shlaimo, so I wish you one.

  27. Eli Wilner do you know what “if” means? Let me explain If you think blogs are bad then don’t be a hypocryte and stop posting. If you are OK with with blogs then stop whining about them. “If” is a conditional modifier.

    Also please try to keep your postings to a modicum of intelligent discussion. Carrying on about cholent, refuah sheilemah,etc and using terms like “heck” is really not a great way to make an argument

  28. Yawn. It was not at all “iffy” what you meant, regardless of how you couched it. The posts are here for all to see and draw their own conclusions.

    Thanks for the advice on how to compose my posts. You do yours your way, I’ll do mine, my way.

  29. One thing is a given.That like it or not,this is how President Trump will be.And yes indeed,any question should be to the point,and not long-winded at all.
    If anything it is befitting that the President chose one of ours.Unfortunately,his question was too long,and hopefully he will fix his style for next time around.

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