Tri-State Area Expected To Take Part In Nationwide ‘A Day Without Immigrants’ Protests On Thursday

immImmigrants in the tri-state area are expected to take part in a nationwide protest on Thursday against recent policies put in place by the Trump administration.

Organizers for “A Day Without Immigrants” are urging immigrants across the U.S. to miss work, skip class, and not shop to show the country just how important they are to America’s economy.

They say the protests are in response to President Donald Trump’s pledges to increase deportation, build a wall along the U.S. and Mexican border, and his proposed, but legally stalled travel ban.

In New Jersey, the mayor of Perth Amboy put out a notice warning residents that many local businesses will be closed in participation of the protest.

Taxi companies in the city are also expected to participate.

In New York, a rally against the immigrant ban is expected to take place at 10 a.m. in Battery Park.

Another rally organized by immigrant New Yorkers with “Make the Road New York” against recent U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids is planned for 5 p.m. outside the Federal Building in Manhattan.

In New Mexico, a state with a large percentage of Hispanic residents, school officials worry that hundreds of students may skip class.

Restaurant owners in states like Washington and Pennsylvania are expected to take part and close for the day.

The organizers of “A Day Without Immigrants” have also planned actions in cities such as Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, and Austin, Texas.


19 Responses

  1. Seeing as the entire country is either an immigrant or descendant from immigrants (even the so-called natives are descendant from immigrants of thousands of years ago) it follows that a TRUE “day without immigrants” means not a single person in the entire country would be seen out.

    But one has to wonder just what statement this action is designed to make – “against recent U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raid”. Those raids were to pick up people who committed criminal acts. In 11 states the total picked up were under 700 people. So perhaps the message that comes across from this “strike” is more like – we rule and tough on you? Sounds like instigation for a backlash.

  2. You mean today we won’t have to dodge those Hispanic grocery delivery men on huge bicycles driving on the sidewalk or those Asian restaurant delivery men on motorbikes flitting through traffic. I guess we should thank Pres. Trump for that.

  3. They did the same thing in L.A. a few years ago – it was great! The freeways were a dream to drive on, and we all survived. We all wished it could have been longer than just one day!

  4. Omg this is a disaster. how are all the 5towns women going to go to the gym in their leggings and get their lattes after on central ave without their full time nannys doing all their housework?!

  5. See the fine text, “Undocumented,”.

    If it were only illegal aliens going passive, we’d have little to worry about. It’s the native-born and legal citizens who align themselves with the illegals and ‘identify as’ undocumented immigrants who will cause the biggest impact.

    People accepting illegality live in lala-land, don’t give a hoot about the hard-working tax-paying men and women, their parents and middle-class people across the country, who fuel the government’s money pot.

    It looks pretty great that USA has enough money to pay for illegals. It’s TERRIBLE because this country has plenty of problems for its REAL citizens which we sane and realistic people believe the government should be paying to help US instead of to help illegals who don’t pay taxes.

  6. will they also not use their anchor babies food stamps, Medicaid, free schooling and not clog up OUR jails, OUR roads and finally pay their taxes?

  7. Let them all go back to their countries they came from! They think its better there? There is a reason they came here. Now be thankful for what you have and get back to work!!!

  8. Who is going to work in back of all the Pizza stores/ Catering halls, nannys, uber drivers, etc. today they come to have babies the more the better and give nothing back to our country. Send their money back to their homeland. Go the hell back where you came from if you don’t like it here. USA USA USA America first and we now have a friend in the White House not a radical Muslim loving Obama who hated Israel and showed it the last few weeks in office. He let out over a thousand drug dealers but not the dangerous Rubashkin.


  10. Great innovative idea. Don’t show up to work AND LOSE A DAYS SALARY. Yeh, that will show them. President Trump must be petrified by this.

  11. Too many of these comments are frightening, even sickening. The truth is that much of our community has embraced the right wing, paying no heed to either the history of Jewish suffering under the right wing or the anti-Semitism that strongly envelops the right wing today. There are passages in Mein Kamph regarding Jews that bear close resemblance to what too many Orthodox Jews now say and write about Mexicans.
    Marvin Schick

  12. are they also not going to use their foodstamps and free healthcare and free education today? If they get hurt are they not going to call 911 or go to our emergency rooms for free today? As a volunteer emt (911 dispatched) i can attest to the hundreds of intox illegals brought to the ER every year just in Rockland County, who pays for the ambulance trips and time in the ER?

  13. Funny Mr. Schick, the entire discussion here has been about ILLEGAL immigrants, as that was the topic of this article. Not one person mentioned Mexicans until you. While everyone was speaking generally of law breakers, your mind immediately and exclusively went to Mexicans apparently.

    But, don’t let me interrupt. I believe you were in the middle of a racism accusation, nu?

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