Only 6 hours left! Please Help BJX Make It! Watch this Amazing video

Crossing the Finish Line!

The race is not always won by the swift but by those who keep running. The Flatbush clock is ticking. The race is on against assimilation. Every day we are losing generations of Jews to intermarriage. One person is determined to make a difference. Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer, Rav of the Brooklyn Jewish Xperience (BJX) Beis Medrash doesn’t stop running. From early morning until late at night he is teaching Torah, preparing shiurim, answering sheilos, reaching out and offering encouragement to those who left the fold. The Rav’s commitment, ahavah, and persistence to help all types of Yidden taste from the wellsprings of Torah is unique and awe-inspiring. He along with his brother, Rabbi Moshe co-founder and Menahel of BJX, and a dedicated staff of faculty are accomplishing the impossible in Flatbush.

Today you have a unique opportunity to help this wonderful community organization and Beis Medrash meet their campaign goal of $229,000! It’s ALL or NOTHING. Every dollar donated today until 1pm EST will be quadrupled! If BJX does not raise the full amount then they lose everything. Please help them now and donate online:

Watch their video of people from the community singing the praises of the lofty work of BJX. BJX has daily programs and events for unaffiliated collegiate and young professionals as well as exciting seminars and shiurim for the entire community including a vibrant Pirchei and Avos u’Banim. Help BJX cross the finish line!

There is something special about introducing Shabbos to local public high school students. There’s something unique and incredible when you host not one, but two simultaneous Shabbatons for two critical Flatbush demographics. This past Shabbos BJX had a double-header as the rabbis organized a stupendous double Shabbaton. Besides their extraordinary weekly Shabbaton for collegiate and young professionals, this week was also the graduation Shabbaton for fifteen local public high school BJX/NCSY students.

These bright and motivated students studied Torah with Rav Fingerer for several months, culminating in a full Shabbos experience. While it was a marathon Shabbos for the rabbis, it was an unbelievable opportunity for them to share their very first Shabbos with them. 15 out of 18 students kept Shabbos! Jacob had never before steeped foot into a shul. He loved it . It was also Daniel’s first time but he was so happy because he had never before seen a Sefer Torah. Dennis another high school student said the he was struck by a special sense of unity in the shul. Perhaps Daniel best summed it up: “Shabbos was totally not what I expected. It was fantastic.”

What pulls the students to come to BJX? Is there a single factor that is attributable to BJX’s success? “People don’t care how much you know about Judaism, until they know how much you care. The students see that we are there for them and that their happiness is our happiness,” shared Rabbi Moshe Fingerer.


Remember, every dollar donated today to BJX before 1pm EST will be quadrupled by 3 generous benefactors. But BJX only has till 1pm to raise the full amount! It’s ALL or NOTHING. Please donate now and help BJX achieve their urgent campaign goal:

Help BJX cross the finish line!


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