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Orthodox Jewish Chamber Of Commerce Encourages Senate Confirmation Of David Friedman As Ambassador To Israel

1The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is scheduled to hold confirmation hearings on Thursday for David Friedman, Esq., to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Israel.

The Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce has submitted an official letter to the Committee recommending the confirmation of Mr. Friedman, a renowned Orthodox bankruptcy attorney and longtime friend of President Trump.

Mr. Friedman has a longstanding personal relationship with members of the Jewish Chamber’s Executive Public Policy Committee, who signed the letter. The members attest to ambassador-designate’s “extraordinary brilliance, honesty and sincerity,” and his ability to serve the interests of the United States, Israel and the entire Mideast region.

The letter notes that Mr. Friedman has encountered strong opposition from various circles who oppose his hawkish leaning foreign policy views, but counters that Mr. Friedman’s worldview is actually a plus: “Yes, some of Mr. Friedman’s past statements regarding the “two state solution” and other issues may differ from the stale conventional wisdom that has failed for decades to bring peace to the Middle East. However, in our view, and the view of countless Jews and other pro-Israel Americans, fresh thinking is a positive development – and the only way a genuine breakthrough can be made in the region.”

OJC David Friedman Ambassador Recommandation-1

2 Responses

  1. Wow! After receiving such an endorsement from such an IMPORTANT organization on such nice letterhead and stationary, with an office on Wall St. nonetheless, the Senate will certainly immediately take the appropriate action.

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