Likud MK Presents the Schlisel Bill to Establish a National Database of Released Murderers And Attempted Murderers

sch2The so-called Schlisel Bill named after convicted murderer Yishai Schlisel is the work of MK (Likud) Ochana, who points out that while pedophiles and other abusers are monitored after release from prison, the same is not true of murderers and attempted murderers. Ochana feels that a similar national database of convicted murderers and attempted murderers must be established and when released, these people must have restrictions placed on them as is done with abusers.

The example use is that of Yishai Schlisel, who only weeks after being released from prison after serving an attempted murder sentenced attacked another Gay Pride Parade in Yerushalayim, succeeding in murdering teenager Shira Banki, who was in the parade area. Ochana feels persons convicted of such heinous acts must be monitored as well as restricted even after paying their debt to society, explaining he feels they still pose a higher risk to society.

The MK’s efforts and his bill are supported by the Israel Organization of Families of Murder Victims.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. How often does this happen? How often do murderers, after finishing their sentence, murderer again? One story doesn’t and shouldn’t create policy.
    This bill is idiotic.

  2. Not so idiotic if you see how many of the terrorist events that have happened recently have been carried out by terrorists who have been imprisoned before…

  3. What Yitzchokim writes sounds logical. However, it is not historically correct. For example, Dovid HaMelech and his Beis Din enacted the decree forbidding Yichud (being alone) with an unmarried girl, after the tragic case of his son Amnon with Tamar.

    However, what Yitzchokim could have written was: This is not the first case in Israel of a murderous convict killing after being released. However, it probably is the first case of a so-called, seemingly-appearing chareidi having done so. Therefore, for Likud’s Ochana to wake up now looks severely discriminatory, as if to suggest that this is the solitary case.

  4. I hope it includes terrorists and attempted terrorists.They should also require released terrorists to have to wear ankle bracelet monitors unless they leave the region entirely.

  5. The entire focus is off the mark in so many ways. Before the perpetrator in this case was released from his earlier incarceration (after the release of which he murdered the girl), he had already been diagnosed by the prison medical professionals as being mentally deranged (hearing voices etc.) and kept in the prison medical facility because he refused to take his meds. So how was it that knowing his mental state and objections to taking his meds, he was released without any supervision? Anyone under such conditions should be monitored, not just those who had committed attempted murder!

    Further, his name and picture were released to police who were guarding the parade, so how come he was able to just walk past the police and no-one stopped him? And even more, he was wearing no disguise. Even if the police had no picture, why did no-one find it suspicious that a clearly Hareidi-dressed person (with a wild look in his eye) was attending the parade?

  6. #1 Leftists are out to be P.C. and wouldn’t dare use the term “terrorism” on Arabs. Now they finally can “pride” themselves with a Jew – albeit mentally retarded – who killed someone and they can call him “a terrorist”, they grab the opportunity and make a bill.

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