Senior ‘Vaad HaTznius’ Askanim Arrested in Jerusalem – Some In Possession of Drugs

arrestThree askanim described as senior officials in Vaad for the “Purification of the Camp” were arrested early Tuesday morning 17 Shevat on charges of extortion, fabricating evidence, possession of drugs and offenses related to illegal wiretapping.

Two of the suspects are senior officials in the Mishmeres Tznius and are prominent persons in the Eida Chareidis and Toldos Aharon. Police raided the office on Amos Street in Geula and confiscated computers and documents. The three are residents of Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh and Haifa.

Police report they conducted a clandestine investigation for about a year before they moved in to make arrests. They are allegedly involved in crimes committed against a couple residing in the Ukraine – and traveled overseas to commit violent acts, among other charges according to police allegations.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The hypocrisy of these so called “morality police” is well established, especially among the TA chassidus. They obsess about hemlines and sleeve lengths of women walking on public streets, but seem to believe that the laws governing fraud for low income, school subsidies etc. don’t apply to them. You may recall several years ago when a roving bunch of TA hooligans would show up at construction sites falsely claiming that they were disturbing ancient yiddeshe keovorim even after the qualified experts from the Antiquities Authority certified that there was no evidence of such keovorim. They would scream at police, throw stuff and simply engage in extortion so that they would be paid off to go away.

  2. rt won’t this now allow you to live out your lifestyle in public without fear? don’t now pretend to hide your true feelings.

    Gadol you’re no better.

  3. No one is perfect, alas, not one of us, even the PM!

    But about the kevorim, there should be an extra opinions sought, like three investigations, like 3 beis din.

  4. Kol haposel, be’mumo hoo posel
    Whoever invalidates [others], is invalidating their own iniquities.

    This is a well-known Gemara that teaches about what would probably be known today in psychology as “projection”.

    Anyone overly concerned with women’s clothing and dress, should probably be watched very carefully. Enough said.

  5. #2 Gadolhasturmer

    with your vitriolic post full of inaccuracies , you lost all your credibility.

    Toldos Aron is World Known & respected for NOT accepting any form of assistance from the Zionist government, choosing instead to live in abject poverty

    Toldos Aron Did NOT behave the way you falsely describe regarding the Kevurim in question, in fact the TA Rebbe was vilified by the extremists for NOT participating in that entire campaign!!!

    get you fact before maligning an entire holy kehilla with lies

  6. @rebbenachman, is the point of your comment to support the members of the “vaad hatznius” to which this article is referring? Because if it is, you are a horribly misguided soul

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