Criminal Indictments Filed Against ‘Peleg Yerushalmi’ Protestors

617efc26-d87d-46dd-bfa0-cca496ecc9fcThe State Prosecutor’s Jerusalem District has moved ahead with criminal indictments against protestors from the Peleg Yerushalmi who took part in violent stormy protests for several consecutive days last week, protests launched by the arrest of one talmid who did not report to register for the draft.

According to the prosecution, indictments were handed down against nine protestors on charges ranging from rioting, obstruction police, causing accident risk and interfering with police carrying out their duties.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. It shouldn’t have taken this long for the police to finally bring criminal charges against these hooligans who claim that Rav Aurbach has authorized their violence against the draft. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Rav has encouraged them not to register but has NEVER said that any type of violence or destruction of property and if he did, which I doubt, he would probably have been charged to. Civil disobedience is fine but be prepared to pay the consequences.

  2. I feel (so bad) for the police they had to deal non dangerous 18 year old buchrim instead of 18 year old terrorist!! It’s a big crime they burned garbage and a police was in a actual fight with a bucher because he taught the bucher is not strong and then the bucher showed him that he’s capable and for this you call crime???? Non damege for ppl!!

  3. The protestors can counter sue on the grounds of profound provocation.

    Come on Mr Natanyahu, live up to your fabulous name and stop persecuting those who want to study Torah.

  4. Good. If these boys wanted to study Torah they would be in the Bais Medresh studying the Torah instead of on the streets causing problems for the rest of the Israeli citizens.

  5. All Israeli Jewish citizens are required by law to go to the draft board. Yeshiva bochurim, as well, can get a deferment when presenting a form from the Vaad Hayeshivos. This procedure usually needs to be done annually.

    The bochur who was arrested neglected to go to the draft board. Hence, he was considered AWOL under Israeli law.

    What is the problem? Why the protests? Had the bochur taken the five minutes of presenting the Vaad Hayeshivos form at the draft board, he would have avoided arrest.

    I have no sympathy for such stupidity.

  6. They want to study so much they waste their time outside of the study hall blocking untold numbers of people from attending their own classes and shiurim. If they have that much time time to waste they could have simply registered for exemption which is granted automatically.

  7. They’re idiots

    While In the past there were far bigger, hotter demostrations
    there was also a quid pro quo
    Somethings were beyond the pale

  8. Would Peleg make הפגנות for ערוית וקדושה ??
    Would Peleg make הפגנות for שמירת שבת??
    Would Peleg make הפגנות for פריצת הדת??
    Would Peleg make הפגנות about anyone/anything other than themselves??

    Who said all this a couple of years ago?
    הראב”ד רב משה שטרנבוך

  9. #7 & #8:Those Bochrim did not fail to register out of laziness or negligence. It was Horav Hagoan Reb Shmuel Aurbach shlita one of the gedolim as well as others who decided bochrim must not attend the IDF induction centers. You may or may not agree but the Rabbonim don’t need your haskamah.

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