HORRIFIC VIDEO: IDF Soldier Attacked And Beaten By Group Of ‘Peleg Yerushalmi’ Protesters In Bnei Brak After He Used Tear Gas


Many readers may find the attached video shocking.

The incident took place on Rechov Rabbi Akiva in Bnei Brak, where dozens of “Peleg Yerushalmi” Bochrim had gathered to protest.

According to multiple published sources, an IDF soldier attempted to disperse the crowd standing in the street blocking traffic – and as can seen in the attached video – sprayed tear gas at the crowd.

Around a minute later, the soldier is physically grabbed in a sweeping choke hold, thrown to the sidewalk and is kicked and beaten by a group of Bochrim.

An unidentified person comes to his rescue and begins dragging him to safety – but not before another Yeshiva Bochur punches the soldier clear in the face.

Police have launched an investigation, promising to prosecute anyone involved to the fullest extent of the law.

Although it is possible that the Soldier came there to counter-demonstrate (which has not yet been proven), or came there to be a provocateur (which has not yet been proven), it can be noted that on Wednesday night a Frum IDF Soldier was attacked with rocks and bottles by a group of Peleg Yerushalmi protesters on the same street. The soldier on Wednesday night had recently been discharged from the army, was wearing civilian clothing, but was recognized by the angry crowds. Police came and rescued him after he managed to barricade himself in a locked room.

More than 30 Bochrim from the “Peleg Yerushalmi” were arrested on Thursday in addition to the more than 50 yesterday.

Viewer discretion is advised.

69 Responses

  1. Media is lying as usual! What about everything they are doing to arrest these bucherim or anyone for that matter? They are brutal!It takes two to tango.

  2. Oh, and this behavior makes me sick to my stomach. It’s hard to believe that someone who, I’m assuming, davens 3 times a day and learns in yeshiva can even contemplate acting this way.

  3. I am not saying who is right here , but just because they are under rav aurbach ywn does Not NEED to write horrific….. in this case the soldier shouldn’t of sprayed gas, and try to show his friends that he can do whatever he wants

  4. YWN you got to be kidding??? this guy was here to beat them up!!!
    It baffles me how judgmental ywn is from 3000 miles away with out having a inkling about whats going on.
    I live in yerushalim for years and am not etz or gimmel yet i see every day how the gov tries to do everything they can think of to antagonize the charedim!!
    And lets make it clear these soliders are not forced to come (I myself was told as by the mishmar hagvul police/soldiers on numerous occasions that only those who want to go beat a bunch of charedim come to these hafganot)

    In addition let it be clear that the gava”d of the edah hacherdis (prob the most chashva bes din in the world) comes to these hafganot at a regular basis and is compleatly supportive of what goes on. I saw him there and heard him warn the police to back off or …

    Moderators Response: It should be noted that YWN Israel is run from an office in Jerusalem for more than 10 years, with writers and editors who have been living in Ertez Yisroel for around 35 years (on the average). You should know that if you read YWN….otherwise, how does YWN publish news when it’s Shabbos in the U.S.? Or the second day of Yom Tov?

  5. What is the name of this Yeshiva. All govt funding should cease immediately and if any of these boys are from the States they dhojjd be deported and not be allowed to return to Israel or

  6. Last year I donated over $2m to mosdos in E”y I’m definitely having a rethink as I don’t want to be funding YB if this is the way they behave. I have no problem with a demonstration but for a ben toyra to lift a hand (not the but many).

  7. I am sickened by the violence like everyone else but forgive me if I’m wrong… There are 2 cuts of the video; The first is of a young man in uniform, with no equipment on, spraying carelessly into the crowd, and from the looks of it, clearly not being done as part of an orderly dispersal… Looks like he’s acting as a vigilante. The 2nd cut is of presumably the same soldier standing above someone sitting on the floor in distress (perhaps he had something to do with it?), and gesturing briefly with both hands in celebration before being knocked down and viciously attacked. Zero justification and excuse for these Yeshiva bochurim , just saying, he’s clearly, by all appearances not an ” Innocent soldier” doing his countries duties providing security for Israeli citizens from these kids. Looks like a punk trying to take advantage of a terrible situation and using the uniform as protection.

  8. Did you see the look of triumph on the provocateur soldier as he was spraying? Disgusting. It’s time for the bochurim to come with tear gas as well!
    As a US citizen and tax payer, I demand that my money not go to prop up an uncivilized army. If they can’t control themselves, let them go and be tough to the Arabs.
    Ya, the day.

  9. #10, I seriously feel bad for you. The fact that a frum Jew can be involved in this behavior, or even condone it, is atrocious. You should be ashamed of yourself!! I DON’T CARE WHAT THE GOVERNMENT DOES TO THEM, THIS RESPONSE IS DISGUSTING AND UNACCEPTABLE!!

    I am very very very careful not to be critical of Rabbeim and Rabbanim, but where are the outcries from rabbonim to stop this despicable behavior?? My hope is that many rabbonim are condemning this behavior but YWN either fails to publish about it, or they just don’t know about it.

    Moderators Response: YWN will publish ANY response from ANY Gadol about this. Unfortunately, such a statement / response from anyone has not been released.

  10. YWN, how about honesty? Are you scared if you’d publish my comments which is 100% the truth, people might see Peleg in a better light?

  11. Well, as was exepcted and I mentioned in yesterday’s post, regular people are fed up with this hafganos, causing them to be late to work, home, airports, hospitals. People see they police is not doing anything serious to stop them, as you see they are back night after the night and obviously they are not afraid to get water cannon, being arrested, being expelled etc. Maybe they should use female soldiers to get those guys off the streets, as hopefully they will run rather being touched by woman.
    It’s obviously this soldier was not part of the group stopping the demonstrations, otherwise these “nothing to do bochurim” would not get even close to him.
    He most likely was off duty and probably returning home with civilian friends when their cars were blocked by those bochirim. He decided to use pepper spray to clear out the traffic when he was jumped (from behind like a coward) and was beaten by a mob, and thanx to his friends who came to the aid.
    They should be happy he did not use the gun.
    Everyone of them should be arrested and put in jail, and realesed only after paying thousands of dollars in fines. Maybe once the parents & rabeim will feel the finicial burden they will stop this nonsence and do things in more civil ways.

  12. One more reason I try to avoid the Bedatz hechsher. Remember when you buy bedatz you are supporting this distortion of yiddishkeit.

  13. The soldier should be arrested. If they try to arrest the bochurim, theyl probably get stuck because then they will have to answer for this soldier.

  14. Thank you YWN for publishing this. The thought of Beni Torah using violence against a Tinuk Sh’Nishba is horrific. These buchrim are clearly influenced by their Zionist and Arabic surroundings and are now like animals There is no Heter for Chillul Hashem.

  15. “…Although it is possible that the Soldier came there to counter-demonstrate (which has not yet been proven), or came there to be a provocateur (which has not yet been proven….”
    It’s also possible that you beat your wife last Sunday( which has not yet been proven) and you stopped beating her this morning ( which has not yet been proven )

    Better yet, let’s regurgitate the mace , maybe provoked, maybe not ( video proves nothing) like cheap chewing gum and ignore the rest of the barbaric incidents over the past year (definitely proven).
    Let’s loot, curse, prevent people from going about their business, destroy property, bittul Torah, chillul Hashem, throw Jews out of shul, embarrass Jews b’rabim, – eh, what’s that?
    Yeah, let’s talk about soldier with the mace, like liar.. OOps, , rogue lawyers who misdirect and throw red herrings in Kikar Shabbos. Shabbos?
    Eh, throw someone’s shtreimel in the street in front of his shaken wife on Shabbos , kick it for good measure, pull out A/C contraptions on Shabbos while wearing talleisim.
    Let’s go one better. Let’s then blame all our tzorros, Hashem Yeracheim, on who? Secular and IDF, stupid.
    We? we have Daas Torah, they don’t, ye dunces.

  16. I don’t blame you if you dont post this because I might come out a little harsh.
    I’m an everyday reader of ywn. Usually love your articles.
    But today’s a different story.
    Don’t you ever try to look at the other side of the story? Does it always have to be the yeshiva guys are wrong? We see it again and again where ywn unfortunately instead of just reporting news they take the anti yeshiva side.
    I’m asking (not the only one) please take this article down!!!
    I’m from Lakewood and I can’t imagine others in my community that see this will want to stay avid readers (like myself)
    Thanks in advanced.

  17. It is very unfortunate that such conflicts among our own arose due to conflicting approaches of the matter.

    I think that people who disagree with the government need to demonstrate a peaceful protest and ensure a proper approach to achieve a solution. I do not believe all the protesters are violent, rather a single few who resorted to unfortunate measures.

    It is very difficult to judge as I am not personally dealing with the situation. It is possible that the protesters have attempted other alternatives and were unsuccessful.

    What I do know is that all involved parties should act with decency and show respect to ALL human beings.

    I think YWN would benefit to bring these concerns to Rabbinic authority for proper guidance rather then consistently reporting these incidents.

    All in all, we have so much hatred coming at us from others that the last thing we need is hatred among our own. The goal is that we should all behave peacefully to eachother no matter which viewpoints we hold. Let’s try to promote peach and love and pray that G-d will help lead us to clarity to resolve this devastating conflict

  18. #17. What make you think they learning karate? Did you ever see karate? Their actions look disgusting. Do not think I ever will give a penny to support any yeshivah in YI

  19. Whatever happened to tefilah???Saying Tehillim with tears??Violence should have no place in our society.
    We were all kids once.We know the urge that teenagers,and even young men have to chill out,to loosen the pressure of their rigid schedule.Sadly,it seems as if these bachurim are chilling out in this “delightful”violent battle camouflaged by Daat Torah.
    If anything,the ultimate cure would be that if the Rosh Yeshivas and Admorim really want a demonstration,then only men thirty years and up should join,and not these bachurim or young men that seem to go there looking to have a good time like some goy would go to a bar looking for a fight.

  20. Quote from #16 “Moderators Response: YWN will publish ANY response from ANY Gadol about this. Unfortunately, such a statement / response from anyone has not been released.”

    Are you saying that you can judge that what the gedolim do or don’t do is unfortunate?!

    Maybe you can consider that, if in fact, such a statement / response from ANY gadol has not been released, maybe there is a reason for that. They’re not politicians to be addressed to in such a way. They do what’s right because it’s right.

  21. אביגדור Lieberman is talking very smart to discontinue the benefits that their institutions have received until now. May I suggest [despite the outcry this suggestion will induce] for אביגדור Lieberman to arrange to have their guru brought in for questioning for failing to preach שלום.

  22. It’s true, there does seem to be more to this video. There seems to be a part that was cut out where the guy later seen laying on the floor was probably hit by this soldier.
    Nevertheless, I don’t care what anyone says; where on earth did actions like this come from?! How can people here post comments supporting “yeshiva bachurim” beating another Yid?! How in heavens name can anyone even think this is normal? We know the Torah purifies us, we know דרכיה דרכי נועם. This is the furthest from דרכי נועם. Someone who can’t understand this simple thing, probably never was a “real” yeshiva man.

    To “Just Saying”:
    Do you seriously think anyone cares that you’re from Lakewood?!! Act like a ben torah. Noone cares what you and others in “your community” WANT to read!

  23. As someone pointed out this video is composed of two parts. The first is when the soldier sprays his mace at the yeshiva bochurim, the second is when u see him standing next to a yeshiva bachur that is defeated on the floor which one can only geuss the soldier just harmed him as he continues to lift his hands in celebration and defiance. Clearly this soldier was not innocent in any way, and it seems like he desereved whatever came him.

  24. Sadly, our dear brothers caused this. This could’ve been dealt with in a way smarter way. Actions cause despair, leaving people with no alternative. Unbiased and light minded people are needed. Leaving the haredis with no alternative other than to force them into the army where you can dictate and control their level of observance, where they can trample on our religious freedom, while coining themselves “the only democracy in the middle east”. They then call the un a clown meeting, the teapot calling the kettle black!

  25. where are the rabonim??????
    and the askonim
    this is sick
    no excuse period!!!!!
    you can drey with the grobba finger and come up with all kinds of terutzim
    no excuse
    i hope the pictures of these boys are plastered all over and they wont get shiduchim
    im scared to think what they would do to their wife if she burns the supper

  26. “…..let it be clear that the gava”d of the edah hacherdis (prob the most chashva bes din in the world) comes to these hafganot at a regular basis and is compleatly supportive of what goes on. I saw him there and heard him warn the police to back off or…”

    No one but you could believe that he gava”d of the edah hacherdis is the “most chashuva bes din in the world”. Any anyone who did have such delusions, would quickly clearly dismiss such a fantasy if there was any evidence that the gava’s was involved in any way in this disgusting behavior by the Bochreim and a chilul hashem.

  27. #37 Don’t feel bad. I have a lot of stuff to say also that they wot post. The soldier definitely deserved it. And there’s nothing wrong with being anti zionist. The zionists hate Hashem and the torah.

  28. im in total agreement with “just sayin” ywn MUST STOP taking sides with the reshoiyim, its as if ywn is like cnn and as trump says you guys are fake news. its time we speak up and ask of the ywn staff to please take this article down. thank you

  29. As I’ve posted earlier, the bachurim have no right to be mazik, inconvenience, steal, or scare any other innocent person.
    In this video it’s seemingly a different story. We have not seen what happened prior to the start of this video. We never saw what happened prior to the 4 LA police officers infamously beating Rodney King either. Here you have an off duty provocateur, who wasn’t wearing any uniform, didn’t show any identification. He charges at the bachurim, sprays them with tear gas. They have no idea who this guy is. What are they supposed to do? Just go down like sheep?! (Where have we heard that before?) Let this total stranger hurt them? It was a chaotic scene to begin with. You dont see the bachurim doing this to any uniformed officer. The bum got what he deserved. It’s too bad the other guy pulled him to safety. I find it laughable that none of the self righteous commentators above, are concerned with the guy lying in the street, at the end of the video, with people shouting for an ambulance.
    NO, in Israel you can’t give the police the benefit of the doubt.

  30. disgusting to see yeshiva men beat up some one. This is Torah!??

    Pure disgust that learning Torah has gone down to such a low level of behavior!

    I am an old man, but I remember when the word ‘erlicht’ was applied to some one who learned in yeshiva. Not so today, they are behamos in black hats..

  31. “Horricifc video” and “Viewer discretion is advised.” is what accompanies this video. Yesterday we had another video of a ben Torah getting knocked down and needing emergency care (there were calls for hatzalah).

    Why is a police thug getting beaten labeled “horrific” and a ben Torah beaten normal?

    Why is this video labeled horrific when no one was injured yet the other has no such designation?

  32. Really sad…we don’t have enough enemies that we have to fight among ourselves?
    Both parties are equally culpable, but one would expect higher standards from those involved in daily learning of our Holy Torah.

  33. About a week ago, a settlement called Amona was forcibly evacuated. And yes, during the course of that evacuation, there was some violence perpetrated against cops. How much of that was reported by YWN in the nearly endless sream of articles and videos reporting that incident? One could get the impression that there is more sympathy for the “unruly settlers” than for “a bunch of unruly yeshiva bochurim.” This is not the attitude one would expect from an ostensibly Chareidi website.
    I expect a big outcry from some, responding that “what are you talking about? There wasn’t any violence at Amona!!!” We can quibble about this ad infinitum. I live here and have numerous contacts in the settler community. And I have watched plenty of videos of the evacuation. There was violence, much of which was committed by “outsiders” — people who don’t even live there. We can split hairs how “it’s not the same thing,” and try to compare levels of violence. Forget it; we will never agree on that anyway.
    What I’m saying is the tone of YWN’s reporting of the goings on at Amona reflected sympathy for the settlers (not necessarily misplaced sympathy BTW) taking a stand against the “evil” govt. that is upholding the perverse ruling of the “evil” Israeli Supreme Court to evacuate the settlement. So, while no one is condoning violence, well, nu nu, to some extent it’s understandable.
    But, the Chareidim — as a tzibur — seem to ALWAYS get a bum rap in YWN reporting. “The Chareidim” can never get anything right. Gedolei Torah are pretty much spared condemnation (Baruch Hashem for that!!) — but the rest of the tzibur, including Bnei Torah — are very often portrayed in many articles as mischievous, seditious, irresponsible hoodlums.
    Some people will reply, “but that’s because they ARE mischievous troublemakers.”
    My reply to that: “that’s exactly how our anti-Semitic enemies speak.” They feel it is justified to hate Jews for whatever real or imaginary reason(s). And yet all Jews (and decent non-Jews) condemn this as a form of Jew-hatred.
    Many detractors of the Chareidim accuse us of lacking Ahavas Yisrael. This is a subject that deserves it’s own in-depth treatment (Rav Hoffman?). Well, just like charity starts at home, Ahavas Yisrael needs to extend to our own as well. Not just to anyone and everyone in Israel EXCEPT the Chareidim.
    The Chareidi tzibur is at least as idealistic as the dati-leumi and the settlers!! It seems proper that a Chareidi website’s reporting would reflect this.

    Moderators Response: More than 100 articles were published about Amona. Including this oped. Take a look http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/520466/op-ed-the-hilltop-youths—the-dati-leumi-sikrikim.html

    There is no reason for the false accusations. Violence is violence. Period.

  34. Come on thealtorahjew on soldier was there to beat up 30 bochurim stop trying to kid yourself and others . This behaviour is a disgusting chilul Hashem and these bochurim need to learn to rise above what is aimed at them then they can win the moral high ground

  35. It looks like he is spraying mace in all of their faces and then doing trying to do a victory dance before they mob him. If that’s the case than whether they bochurim were in the right or wrong he brought that one on himself. You don’t go into a crowd of opponents and physically assault them and think you’ll get out unscathed… I mean who cares your politics – that’s just common sense.

    Plus at the end of the video as he’s getting helped away he just sprays some older innocent bystander straight in the eyes with mace (the one who suddenly drops to the ground at the end) just because he was Charedi and happened to be crossing the street. People here commenting on the chillul Hashem of the bochurim – are you so proud of the middos the army is apparently instilling in its soldiers (that they would have these bochurim become like)?

  36. Oy vay atara-leyoshna this is the kind of reaction people don’t think about. Don’t let these people determine your level of kashrus they don’t deserve that kind respect from you

  37. 1) First of all, I’m sorry to say, but the non-controlled anger that is at the root of the inappropriate actions taken by those in this video is also found in most of the commentators to this article. How many hotheads here have made statements that lack intelligence and/or show signs of reaction instead of contemplation?

    2) In this case I happen to agree with “Jerseyguy”(#14) statement. Based on what is seen in this video (which might not tell the whole story) it certainly looks like both sides went too far. First of all, clearly this soldier was out line, not only taking things into his own hands as if that was his job, but worse, he even regaled over it. There were hundreds of police there following directives from superiors to control the situation and make sure that the protest doesn’t turn into a riot. This soldier acted on his own accord and his action was extremely reckless! He could had started a major riot! I’m sure the head of the police was furious. I hope they take action against him and I hope this soldier is taken to the army’s court as well. It seems to me that what he did was illegal. He’s a soldier who’s job it is to protect his country from its enemies. It’s not his job to police civilians.

    As far as these bachurim, I could’ve understood under the circumstances having responded physically towards this soldier to defend themselves, but their response was way beyond acceptable. Instead of looking to disarm this soldier of the teargas (or pepper spray) in order to prevent others from getting hurt, they saw this as a green light to lash out at him with a vengeance. Their actions were not in line with Torah as it says, “Hakol Kol Yaakov, V’yadiim Y’dei Eisav”. Those that raised their hands to hit this soldier fall under the geder of “Rasha” and must do teshuva.

    3) Quote – “Although it is possible… it can be noted that on Wednesday night a Frum IDF Soldier was attacked…” I regretfully have to comment that it appears the reporter(s) of this article have unfortunately been influenced by the mainstream media’s tactic of subtly swaying public opinion in a certain direction. Although I am against these group of protesters, non-the-less, to sway this story away from this soldier’s reckless behavior in order to point blame towards these bachurim by mentioning what happened at another occasion is totally unfair and inappropriate. YWN will gain more respect by laying down the facts than by preaching agendas.

  38. As shown, the attack on the person in a soldier uniform (was he really a soldier?) was around 12 seconds into the video while the person floored was later. So while it possible the video was edited to switch the order around, it is also clear that at the point of attack at 12 seconds no such person is seen on the ground. The person in the soldier uniform is just standing open-armed.

  39. “Whatever happened to tefilah???Saying Tehillim with tears??Violence should have no place in our society.” – – Good thing you weren’t around when the Chashmonayim were making decisions or when Mordechai and Esther were submitting their bakashah to Achashveirosh.

    “אביגדור Lieberman is talking very smart to discontinue the benefits that their institutions have received until now.” – – I believe that neither the educational institutions of the Aidah HaChareidis nor that of Rav Shmuel Auerbach receive/accept money from Mr. Lieberman.

    “The Aidah”, Rabbi Auerbach”, “Their guru” – – Clearly these posters know little of the situation. HaRav Auerbach is HaRav Auerbach, and the Aidah is the Aidah. One heads a party who vote, ones members do not.

    Those who really know either of the leaders being “discussed” here know that there are few with the ne’imus of Rav Shmuel or the total commitment to Chesed and the tzibbur as the Aidah. It is also well known, although seldom,if ever, reported, that The Aidah has indeed published condemnations of violent protests, that Rav Shmuel’s talmidim (not his wannabes) sit, learn, serve, help others, . . . In fact I have heard neither politics nor calls for violence from them, and that other leaders – the Gerrer Rebbe for example – have instructed their followers not to act in such a way. As always, it amounts to the leaderless few who give the guided many a bad name (or who allow the self-hating, self-appointed watchdogs, to spread their agenda).

  40. WOW!!!
    I made the mistake of reading the article and comments first, before I watched the video, and to be honest, I was horrified. My first thoughts were maybe the gedolim will reconsider after a story like this.

    I watched the video, and A. The video is clearly cut in middle as mentioned in many of the abouv comments. Which makes it a high inaccurate portrayal of what happened and it is there for clearly irresponsible reporting to post it.

    B. In viewing the video I do not see a situation nearly as disturbing as your reporting shows. The beating of the solider is much lighter than what you write it up to be. To me -from the limited footage of the incident- it seems that the soldier was attacking the boys, so they gave him a quick roughing up to get rid of him. While that might not be the exemplary behavior we hope to see, I beleive their reaction is very understandable. There’s no reason to demand the bochrim agree to be his punching bag.

  41. This is not the eidah or the gavved shelita involved at all, it’s r shemoul aurbach that’s sending his people to the protest

  42. To amend by previous post, there is a person SITTING on the ground which I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) to be simply blocking traffic (the person later in the video is lying flat on the ground).

    We Need Gedolim to Bravely Clearly Pubicly Address the Yeshiva World That CHILLUL HASHEM IS ASSOOR MEOD!!
    That while they might have disagreements the STate of Israel is NOT THE NAZIS or Even The MISYAVNIM!
    The State of ISrael Tolerates for many to learn in Yeshiva and not need to go to the draft even while the rest of the country do haveto go put their lives on the line for the KLAL! The State of Israel even gives public funds to Yeshivas! Many soldiers are Frum Yidden HEROICALLY DEFENDING MILLIONS OF JEWS INCLUDING THESE BNEI YESHIVAS!! THis is CHILLUL HASHEM!! IS THIS THE WAY OF TORAH – TO BLOCK TRAFFIC AND ANNOY MANY THOUSANDS FOR DAYS AND GANG BEAT UP ISRAELI OFFICERS!! SHOULD PEOPLE CONTINUE TO FUND SUCH INSTITIONS!? What is this all about!!CHILUL HASHEM – SINAS CHINUM – LACK OF HAKARAS HATOV – LACK OF PEACEFULNESS – DRACHEHA DARCHAI NOAM!

  44. It has now come to light that the soldier was not on duty at the demonstration; he posted very racist and derogatory remarks regarding chareidim on his Facebook page, and states that he is going to harass Chareidim at a demonstration. Additionally, a video has surface where he is spraying pepper spray clearly not in self-defense as he claimed. Nothing justifies beating someone up, and nothing justifies pepper-spraying someone.

  45. Everything is excuses but NOTHING can excuse the type of violence displayed in this video. It really doesn’t matter who started etc a yeshiva bachur should never ever be caught resorting to such a level of violence. It’s common sense. Would anyone here take such a yeshiva bachur as a son in-law??? I know I would not.

  46. Until ALL Roshei Yeshiva whose students behave similarly, P U B L I C L Y criticize such behavior and teach their students that “Midos is First”, everything else they teach is worthless.

    From what Ive learned, Hashem is likely NOT pleased with those who behave like that learning Torah. “Deracheha Darkei Noam”, the opposite of above.

  47. TO number 58 Shauli
    I see you responded to my response,number 30, that you are thankful that I was not around in Chanukah or Purim due to my statement that violence has no place in today’s society;we should be davening more.
    If I recall correctly,Esther told Mordecai to fast for three days including Pesach.Only and only after all the davening worked,was the request to defend ourselves given.
    As for the Chanukah miracle,I cannot say more than what was written,but I would like to think that the 13 or just 5 Maccabees that were fighting davened first.
    And in our story of today,I cannot understand why all these very young bachurim,and young Avrechim do not take their siddurim and daven in the streets instead of getting involved in fistfights.There have been pictures of a bloody policeman,and a shattered car.Why the violence if there is no tefilah.If I misunderstood your message,please be blunt,and leave out the satire that only you yourself understand what you are saying.I am more than keen to hear other people take on what to do about this explosive situation.

  48. YWN- why are you not posting my previous comments? It it the fact that this article distorts the truth of the chain of events? I sent the edited portion of the video which was NOT published on this site. It shows an unidentifiable individual approaching with his face covered to a peaceful sitting protester and pepper spraying his eyes.

    What would you do in this situation?

    YWN- I beg of you to report ALL the facts and stop this sputing hatred.

    We are all brothers and sisters- spread love and peace, NOT hate.

  49. ATT: YWN Moderator:

    Please see the attached link of the video clip that was not published. I urge you to take an ethical approach and publish the video clip. Your headline was unfounded and I believe you owe your readers an apology.


    Moderators Response: Our headline wasn’t unfounded. The headline is 100% accurate. The soldier was beaten after he used tear gas. That is exactly what happened and that is exactly what was written. When the article was published YWN very clearly stated that he may have been an agitator (read the article again if you missed it). Why the need to twist our words? No need for that. The one who needs to apologize is you.

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