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‘Peleg Yerushalmi’ Protests to Renew on Thursday Afternoon

7bf2dc78-eb18-4e81-a465-e5f920a0f2f8It appears statements by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to cancel the draft agreement with yeshivos and cut funding as well  has not intimidated the ‘Peleg Yerushalmi’ of the litvish community as protests are scheduled to resume on Thursday afternoon, 13 Shevat. The protests began earlier in the week  following the arrest of a talmid who failed to register for the draft as required by law.

Following is a list of scheduled protests planned Thursday that has been released to the media. The protests will begin at 3:30PM.

• Geha/Jabotinsky Junction (Bnei Brak)
• Shilat Junction (Near Modi’in)
• Bar Ilan/Shmuel HaNavi Junction (Jerusalem)
• Route 38 (Beit Shemesh)
• Shivtei Yisrael Street (Jerusalem)
• Junction leading to the entrance to Ashdod
• Junction leading to the entrance to Elad
• Entrance to Betar Illit

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Lieberman thinks he can threaten Rav Auerbach shlit’a by cutting funding. Silly, because his yeshivos do not take money from the govt. The protests will continue until they’re released.

  2. Lieberman is just adding fuel to the fire, and he knows it. He should be spending his time keeping the country safe, not picking fights with extremists just to appeal to the anti-Chareidi vote.

  3. Just to make sure I get this right. They are going to disrupt thousands of lives because they can’t fill out a piece of paper and get their referral. Which part of the Torah permits this exactly? On a more practical note, given their leader’s disdain for the Godol Hador exactly which political party will give them air cover when Mr Liberman comes after them? This is an amazing combination of stupidity and rishus.

  4. #4 No, you did not get it right. Instead of being motzi shem ra and lying against Jews and Gedolei Yisroel, why don’t you investigate?

    Lieberman who has no power to threaten them with anything. If the only way to release the boys is by protests, it will have to continue this way until they’ll give in.

  5. Without getting into discussion if this is right, one thing is certain:

    Stop pretending that this is the way of Rav Shach Ztz”l…

  6. If daas Torah says not to fill it out and the atheist Zionists want to fill it out, the choice is clear. The Zionists SOLE goal is sending our Torah learning boys into the IDF is to make them secular and impose (shmad) women instructors, women combatants, kol isha and other anti-Torah things on our future gedolim and we will not let them pass. The Zionists are just another ism that too shall pass but the Torah is here to stay.

  7. In Answer to Lieberman:

    The answer is that we must pray for the reuffat ha nefesh for these boys.

    In the interim it may be best to arrest those that are inciting this.


    They feel untouchable and that this why they incite such atrocious behavior.

  8. Simple. Living in Israel demands certain things. Protect the land and your fellow Jews. You don’t want to leave. Move to Williamsburg, Borough Park,even Lakewood, maybe Passaic . There is a big problem. You take and don’t give back. Not so difficult to under

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