DM Lieberman Moves To Cancel Draft Agreement With Yeshivas Under Leadership Of Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Following Hafganos

aueMinister of Defense Avigdor Lieberman announced on Thursday that he has begun working on cancelling the draft deferment agreement with the Grodna Yeshiva (Ashdod) and Yeshiva Ma’alos HaTorah (Yerushalayim) following widespread following Hafganos – some violent – held across Eretz Yisroel on Tuesday night. More than 50 Bochrim were arrested for closing highways, streets, setting garbage dumpsters on fire and throwing rocks and bottles at police officers.

Both Yeshivas are part of the “Peleg Yerushalmi”, which is under the leadership of Hagaon Harav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita.

Lieberman said that he asked Yisrael Beytenur MK Oded Forer to work with the relevant government offices to cancel the subsidies allocated to the yeshivas.

“I do not agree under any circumstances for riots and incitement against IDF soldiers to become part of our daily routine,” said Lieberman.

“The very existence of these protests against the draft undermines the authority of the state and we will not allow this phenomenon, or the intimidation of those who wish to draft, to occur. We will work within the framework of a range of possibilities open to us at the Ministry of Defense and other government ministries to work against those who participate in such actions against the IDF to ensure they receive no relief or benefits.”

“Minister Liberman will never, under any circumstances, ignore these riots and the severe incitement that occurred during them against IDF soldiers,” his office said in a statement.

“Protest is a democratic right and the Israel Police will allow it, but disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace is a criminal offense,” police said in a statement.

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. This will only add fuel to the fire, and Lieberman knows it. He should be working to actually keep the country safe instead of keeping busy appealing to the anti-Chareidi vote.

  2. I don’t get it. They are singing, dancing, and clapping as if it’s Simchas Torah. Why are they doing that on the street? Let them do it in their Yeshiva building. Is there a heter to be mitzaer others? Is that how their Rosh Yeshiva paskened? Holding up traffic like that? Thousands of people being late to their appointments. Many of them Bnei Torah. What if there was an emergency? What if a lady went into labor? Did their Rosh Yeshiva give them a heter to steal other inoccent people’s time?! I just don’t get it. In some of the videos you see innocent women pushing their young children in strollers as these hooligans are marauding past them with the police chasing after them. Who gives these idiots the right to place others in harms way?! What about the families that live above those stores who are trying to put their kids to sleep? This is not the Torahs way. Where are the parents of these children demonstrators? Do they care? Terrible.

  3. DM Lieberman should push this to the very top of his list of priorities. It surely cannot be that hard to both immediately stop all funding to any Yeshiva connected to this group and to cancel the draft exemption for any bochur “learning” there. Just stop the money; let them go to the Israeli High Court to argue their case! In doing this Lieberman will be doing a great service to the whole genuine Torah world. We, that is those of us that spend an appreciable part of every day actually learning, and with what is left of the day earn a living so that we don’t need to sponge off anyone, don’t need to see these great talmidei chachomim aligned with Rav Orbach making fools of themselves and causing sinas chinam. How do they seriously view a borei olam that appreciates this sort of behaviour? Is blocking the traffic what is meant by v’ahavto l’reiecho k’mocho?

  4. Rav Shach, ztl, said b’ruach kodsho that some day they’ll try to draft all the bochurim and then the only thing to do will be to send all of them abroad. (The KY Satmar Rebbe says he’ll help any bochurim who want to come there to get settled.) The army commanders have said that they don’t particularly want bochurim but the politicians tell them they have to take bochurim in order to “change their values” and “integrate them into mainstream Israeli society” (i.e. make them as secular as possible) and it’s clear that the politicians are worried about what some journalists call the “malignant demographic” (that in a few decades nearly half of all young Jews will be Chareidi, i.e. won’t have been indoctrinated by the Zionist educational system). Rav Auerbach, shlita, has said this is a gezeiras ha-shmad and it’s forbidden to cooperate them them in any way. Hashem is calling the shots and we don’t understand His cheshbonos. Stay tuned.

  5. You can’t appease extremist, they will always stay extreme.

    There must be something else going on’s not this simple. No way the Israeli government gives in to 50 crackhead bochurim.

  6. These emptyheads who terrorize in the streets and cause inconvenience to thousands of travelers are just causing everyone to wonder why they should be exempt from the draft if they have so much time on their hands…

  7. The normative Hareidi attitude towards the State of Israel has been to recognize its existence but not its legitimacy. This is somewhat similar to the situation in all major cites in relation to the Mafia. People pay their “street tax” not because they recognize the Mafia’s right to take money from them but out of fear of violence.

    Nevertheless, there are limits to that recognition. When the GOI threatens the Yeshivas, they protest. So Lieberman is quite right, this challenges the authority of the State. However, the very existence of Torah loyal Jews challenges the legitimacy of the State because a Torah loyal Jew believes that only a State governed by Torah has any legitimacy in Israel. That is why from even prior to the creation of the State it was the Torah loyal Jews that were targeted for persecution by the “Zionists” unJews. Using the rhetoric of Jewish nationalism as a cover for their fascistic plans, they did everything they could to destroy Torah in Israel then and are still trying to destroy the Torah today.

    The same sort of vilification and demonization that exists today against Jews in the PLO controlled schools is how the “Zionist” taught (and in many cases still teach) their children about Torah Jews. They are all cowards, parasites, slackers, stink, live off welfare and best exterminated. The only thing left out is calling them the sons of pigs and monkeys but that might come soon as well.

  8. #1 Sorry to burst your bubble. Lieberman’s threats are silly because they don’t pertain to yeshivos not taking money from the govt. The protests will continue until they’re released.

  9. “keep the country safe” What does that actually mean? To me it means knowing what is really happening instead of falling for the media hype. The protests etc. are not about this or that person being drafted or arrested. They are about delegitimizing the Israel government in its entirety. The proof of this that these “protesters” will not register for EXEMPTION from the draft. All of these guys would receive exemptions from the draft by simply asking for the exemption. But they won’t ask. The corollary to that is that as soon as they get one thing they want, they will push the envelope over other things, always escalating. And that will encourage other groups (larger and more dangerous) to pull the same shtick to get whatever they want. So, while true that “This will only add fuel to the fire”, it is just as true that giving in to them will do no less of the same.

  10. It’s shocking to see “Yeshiva world” people talking like goyim!

    The hate for Yeshiva Bochrim and Godolim that don’t do what “You” feel is right, is very apparent!

    To cover it up with FAKE righteousness is taken right out of the book of the liberal media.


  11. y2r

    Guess I’m not alone seeing ywn this way. I’m off Vin for a couple of years due to this issue. The commentators are self haters (I apologise for being so rough). Every commentator is a days torah behind his anonymous nickname. The common denominator though is they are waiting to pounce on every word by or about any jewelry berating, slandering, and dramatizing any story. Now, nobody says were perfect, but to pounce on it like any anti semite would is just heartbreaking. Please all of you leave one site for the unhateful to be able to read.

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