PHOTOS: Protests Underway at Kikar Shabbos Following Arrest of Yeshiva Bochur For Not Reporting For Draft Registartion

cd410cc4-9e27-4285-bf6d-da3430e54c510de10d4d-1114-499a-b0a6-1ce404a29414 b1e1442e-a19e-4e29-b007-40ad0e93799e b3dc780b-1ec1-41c5-aabe-60d4e1ab6b56 ddf74415-1065-4204-89ac-078e092c0ae4

12 Responses

  1. to # 2
    the horses are the ones demonstrating
    dont see too many demonstrators
    most are in brooklyn schorring for hachnossas kallah
    for their 15th child
    and no job ever held or will hiold

  2. #1 Any Jew would know that pikuach nefesh and certainly if it’s saving Jewish souls docheh bitul Torah.

    #4 How pleased is Hashem with your silly remark maligning those making a kiddush Hashem and saving Jews from shmad?

  3. whats the deal!? how come YWN doesnt update us on ALL the hafgana’s?? how come we cant see fun more often?

    (when was the last time the police/officials sat down to a meeting to reverse a decision bc of a protest?)

  4. all a yeshiva man has to do is bring in the forms that he is enrolled in a yeshiva and he gets an automatic exemption.

    A person who does not do this is an idiot and deserves to be arrested.

  5. #10 FAR FROM TRUE! Many yeshiva boys are literally dragged into the army once they step foot in the giyus office to bring their form. Do some homework before posting.

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