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Hagaon HaRav David Yosef Comes Out Strongly Against any Deal with the Reform

dyoHaGaon HaRav David Yosef Shlita, a member of the Shas Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael, has come out strongly against any compromise agreement with the Reform Movement. Rav Yosef explains that the justices of the nation’s High Court are currently in the midst of adjudicating petitions addressing compromise for an egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel.

During a weekly shiur in which head of the Torah Council HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita was in attendance, Rabbi Yosef cited just how sad it was that “Today we are fighting for the Kosel”.

“Look what is taking place. Last week they expelled the residents from Amona. What was the claim? Arabs came and said in 5658 it was theirs and the High Court ruled that since it did not belong to Jews it belongs to them”.

Rabbi Yosef added “Regarding the Kosel why is it ours? All the years it has been ours and not the Reform. It did not belong to Women of the Wall. We have a heritage from generation to generation. The Kosel was always a shul. Throughout the years, it has been our Beit Knesset”.

A member of the Torah Council questioned why the High Court is not told that we were there first and held it throughout the years? “Think of us like Arabs” he added, “That is why they gave it to the Arabs over there”.

Rav Yosef explained “The Kosel isn’t Amona. B’ezras Hashem, here they (Reform) will not succeed. No compromise is acceptable. The Kosel – we must fight with our bodies if need be to preserve the kedushas HaKosel”.

“They speak about giving in to the Reform for they are all scared of the High Court. The Kosel will remain ours. We want Eretz Yisrael to remain ours. We cannot protect Eretz Yisrael if we are not able to take care of the Kosel”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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