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Trump Blasts Polls: Americans ‘Want Border Security And Extreme Vetting’

trPresident Donald Trump on Monday said the American people “want border security and extreme vetting,” decrying “negative polls” that suggest otherwise as “fake news.”

A majority of Americans, however, opposed the president’s controversial executive order restricting travel by citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries in a pair of polls released Friday.

Fifty-three percent opposed the order, according to a CNN/ORC poll, with 46 percent arguing that it makes the U.S. less safe from terrorism and 49 percent saying it harms American values by preventing those seeking asylum from entering the U.S.

Fifty-one percent expressed disapproval with the ban in a CBS News survey, in which 57 percent of respondents said the ban goes against the country’s founding principles.

“Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election,” Trump tweeted Monday morning. “Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.”

He followed up minutes later with a post casting himself as a data-driven decision maker while accusing the media of lying “to marginalize” his supporters.

“I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it,” Trump said. “Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!”

(Source: Politico)

5 Responses

  1. 1. As Mr. Trump’s election has clearly shown, public opinion polls are worthless. Even beyond the problem of respondents trying to give the “right” answer, which is usually a left-oriented answer, the polls can’t reflect changes in demographics and communication techniques (e.g. social media, cell phones, etc.).

    2. Most Americans want border security, not an expensive wall (that doesn’t stop people from arriving and students and tourists and overstaying their visa).

    3. Most Americans want “vetting”, but they want legitimate refugees from Islamic countries, who are fleeing “radical Islam” (that Democrats refuse to admit exists)to be admitted, along with anyone who is coming to America to work at a job that needs filling. There is no public support for denying visas to the leaders of the anti-ISIS factions, or to elderly grandparents visiting their American grandchildren, or to a baby coming to America for medical care.

  2. Re comment no. 1: First of all, I am a registered Democrat, and I know “radical Islam” exists. Non-radical Islam also exists, and many Republicans know that.

    Immigrants and refugees from the seven countries subjected to the Trump ban have been subject to vetting for many years. Since 9/11, NONE of the murders and terrorist attacks perpetrated in the US have been perpetrated by immigrants or refugees from those countries. What more needs to be studied to show that our current protections against extremists from these countries is working? None. The Trump ban is just red meat for his uninformed supporters, with no policy merits whatsoever.

  3. To Nos. 1 and 2

    FAKE NEWS…given that your comments are replete with objective and coherent analysis of the issues, by definition, you are spreading FAKE NEWS….in fact, YWN should apply alogithms to all postings that can detect any comments that either are critical of or question the logic or efficacy of anything said or done by the Trumpkopfs…being anti-Trump is the new Apikorsus and those who engage in such thought need to be put on notice.

  4. But the countries where the terrorists come from would be very angry if we banned their citizens. At this point in time, most of the countries lack a functional government (rather they have multiple disfunctional governments fighting each others), and Iran is not on speaking terms with the US.

    And while you may have heard of “radical Islam”, the leadership of the Democratic party has taken the position that the use of the term is racist and offensive, and the Islamic terrorist movement should be seen as a non-ethic, non-religious group of criminals (in all fairness, the US has tried to see the Holocaust and the Rape of Nanking and Pearl Harbor as the work of criminals, so as not to have to blame the people who elected and served in the offending governments).

  5. Theres 85 muslim countries that wont take in these so called “refugees”, why? Because they understand these people support death even if they themselves wont Perpetrate terrorism, we are dealing with a bunch of killers! Let them stay in their homeland with safe zones.

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