Unpredictable Trump Foreign Policy May Test US Spy Alliances

ciaPresident Donald Trump’s unpredictable foreign policy could have serious implications for America’s intelligence-sharing partnerships.

Trump wants a closer relationship with Russia. He’s alienated American allies with his travel and immigration ban for people from seven Muslim-majority countries. He’s had brusque calls with the leaders of Australia and Mexico.

Veteran spies say intelligence relationships are built to weather storms between political leaders. Even in the worst of times, allies have shared intelligence to thwart threats.

But the uncertainty of Trump’s foreign policy direction and his potential new friendship with Moscow are creating jitters across the Western world.


One Response

  1. Wow, great article.

    Takes a swipe at the president, makes allegations and has predictions and fortune telling, and cites unnamed sources.

    Bravo, AP. Keep up the fake news.

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